Fugitive Doctor's TARDIS
The Fugitive Doctor travelled in a TARDIS with a police box exterior, which was readily identified by the Thirteenth Doctor as resembling her own TARDIS. It retained its police box shape even after landing in a new location. (TV: Fugitive of the Judoon)
The TARDIS was buried in an unmarked grave while the Doctor was hiding on Earth under a chameleon arch, assuming the human identity Ruth Clayton. The TARDIS was uncovered when she regained her identity. (TV: Fugitive of the Judoon)
When on a mission to save the eggs of the Empress of the Weavers from the empress's sister, the Doctor worked with a Weeping Angel, one that enjoyed snacking on the TARDIS' energy stores. After dropping off the Angel, the Doctor was assigned to take action against multiple planets hostile to Gallifrey, a cache of weapons left outside her TARDIS. Ejecting the weapons cache, the Doctor flew to Kreb, discovering that the planet was a Gallifreyan colony. After baiting their overseer with a tracking device, the Doctor flew to the other planets, confirming they were all colonies. After dropping Taslo off, the Doctor tracked the conspiracy to a member of the High Council. Calling Gat to arrest the Councillor, the Doctor flew back to the colonies before Taslo's planted bombs destroyed them, evacuating the colonists to a single new planet. After speaking to Tecteun, the Doctor began to see that the stagnation and racism of the Councillor was becoming commonplace in Time Lord society, fleeing her people. (COMIC: Origins)
While the Fugitive Doctor was under the chameleon arch, as "Ruth Clayton", the TARDIS was buried under an unmarked gravestone outside Ruth's home, a lighthouse near Gloucester.

When the Thirteenth Doctor and Ruth visited the lighthouse for answers, the Thirteenth Doctor uncovered the police box lettering of the TARDIS, to her confusion. With her Time Lord essence restored, Ruth revealed her true identity, and they teleported inside.
Soon afterwards, the Judoon's Talwak Freighter captured the TARDIS using a tractor beam. After Gat was killed, the mysterious incarnation of the Doctor returned the Thirteenth Doctor to Gloucester and went on her way. (TV: Fugitive of the Judoon)
The interior of the TARDIS console room was reminiscent of the console room used by the First Doctor, closer to the default design, (TV: Hell Bent) though smaller and with a different shape; featuring several corners that could light up and a more detailed floor design. The main screen took up an entire wall and showed Gallifreyan symbols, and the entire room was covered in an atmospheric blue lighting. (TV: Fugitive of the Judoon)
This TARDIS also had a police box exterior. The exterior did not resemble that of the Thirteenth Doctor's TARDIS, (TV: Fugitive of the Judoon) but rather the appearance it held during the time of the First and Second Doctors. (TV: The Smugglers et al.)
Behind the scenes
- The TARDIS prop appears to have the exterior used by the First Doctor as played by David Bradley in Twice Upon a Time, originally created as a replica of the William Hartnell-era TARDIS for the docu-drama An Adventure in Space and Time. The TARDIS console also carries over from these productions.
- Recently, in the Steven Moffat era, classic-style TARDIS interiors were modelled to closely resemble the First Doctor's TARDIS, making use again of the designs for An Adventure in Space and Time. Though the Fugitive Doctor's TARDIS deviates from this design aesthetic, it still retained the same console and several elements, and was nonetheless used as the basic TARDIS design later in The Timeless Children. Both the first and second TARDISes stolen by the Doctor in that story resemble this one.