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Soho was a district of London.

Room 13 was based in Soho. (AUDIO: Parasite [+]Loading...["Parasite (audio story)"])

In 1925, John Logie Baird owned a workshop within Soho, where he tested the first television. The Toymaker also set up an entrance to the Celestial Toyroom in the district, disguised as a toyshop. (TV: The Giggle [+]Loading...["The Giggle (TV story)"])

The Seventh Doctor and Chris Cwej visited Soho in 1958. (PROSE: Bad Therapy [+]Loading...["Bad Therapy (novel)"])

Kenny White was a gangster in Soho in 1965. (AUDIO: Changing of the Guard [+]Loading...["Changing of the Guard (audio story)"])

In 2001, Anji Kapoor resided in Soho. (PROSE: Escape Velocity [+]Loading...["Escape Velocity (novel)"])

Adequate Inc. was located in Soho. (COMIC: The Train in Vain and the Junkmail Messiah [+]Loading...["The Train in Vain and the Junkmail Messiah (comic story)"])