Caroline Finch
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Caroline Finch was the wife of Clive. They had one (TV: Rose [+]Loading...["Rose (TV story)"]) or two sons together. (PROSE: Rose [+]Loading...["Rose (novelisation)"]) On the Who is Doctor Who? website, Clive's wife was named Maggie by its new webmaster. (PROSE: The Doctor Was Involved in the Dummy Massacre [+]Loading...["The Doctor Was Involved in the Dummy Massacre (short story)"])
Early life
Caroline and Clive met at Durham University when his UFO society and her Reclaim the Night Enclave groups booked the same venue. Caroline tracked Clive down to a bar after his group left and she apologised. They talked together through the night and went on to enter into a relationship, getting married and having two sons, Ben and Michael. (PROSE: Rose [+]Loading...["Rose (novelisation)"], Grounded [+]Loading...["Grounded (short story)"]) According to one account, they only had one son together. (TV: Rose [+]Loading...["Rose (TV story)"])
Caroline grounded Ben after he broke the window of their neighbour, Mrs Townsend, whilst playing football. She forbade him from watching the television and playing video games. (PROSE: Grounded [+]Loading...["Grounded (short story)"])
Clive's death
On 5 March 2005, Caroline was surprised when Rose Tyler came to see her husband's research on the Doctor. Whilst out shopping, the shop window dummies began invading and Clive was killed by an Auton. (TV: Rose [+]Loading...["Rose (TV story)"]) According to one account, Clive had sacrificed himself upon realising all his theories about the Doctor were true, giving Caroline and their two sons a chance to run away. They were chased and eventually surrounded by two armies of Autons, but the Nestene Consciousness was stopped and they survived.
Having experienced all this, Caroline realised that all of her husband's stories about the Doctor were true and vowed to find them and to have her revenge. (PROSE: Rose [+]Loading...["Rose (novelisation)"])
Following the attack, Mickey Smith visited Clive's wife, but the exact circumstances varied between accounts. According to some accounts, Mickey Smith met Clive's wife, whom he called "Maggie", in the week following attack, and he took on Clive's mantle to prove the truth about the Doctor to the world after discussing it with her, which he found to be an honour; he valued this undertaking more than even his own life. To achieve this, Mickey began anonymously using Clive's website to release whatever information he found. (PROSE: The Doctor Was Involved in the Dummy Massacre [+]Loading...["The Doctor Was Involved in the Dummy Massacre (short story)"], The Secret Lives of Monsters [+]Loading...{"chaptname":"The Nestenes and Autons","page":"148","chaptnum":"7","1":"The Secret Lives of Monsters (short story)"}, etc.) However, according to one account, Mickey visited Clive's wife around three weeks following the attack, and while he took some of Clive's old possessions with his widow's permission, he did not take on Clive's mantle nor did he begin using his website. (PROSE: Mickey's Blog [+]Loading...["Mickey's Blog (short story)"])