Cyber-invasion (Attack of the Cybermen)

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"Cyber-invasion (Attack of the Cybermen)" is a title based upon conjecture.

Check the behind the scenes section, the revision history and discussion page for additional comments on this article's title.

In 1985, 26th century Neomorph Cybermen from Telos infiltrated Earth. This was recorded by ArcHivist Hegelia as a subtle "second invasion". (TV: Attack of the Cybermen, AUDIO: The Early Cybermen)

By one account, the Cybermen were based on Telos in 2507. (PROSE: The Cyber Files)

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

Background[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Colonisation of Telos

As the Sixth Doctor and Gustave Lytton mutually understood, the Cybermen adopted Telos as their new home planet following the destruction of the original Cyber-planet, Mondas, (TV: Attack of the Cybermen [+]Loading...["Attack of the Cybermen (TV story)"]) during an ill-fated attack on Earth by the Mondasian Cybermen in 1986. (TV: The Tenth Planet [+]Loading...["The Tenth Planet (TV story)"]) The Cybermen were led by the Cyber-Controller, whom the Doctor believed to have been destroyed. (TV: Attack of the Cybermen [+]Loading...["Attack of the Cybermen (TV story)"], The Tomb of the Cybermen [+]Loading...["The Tomb of the Cybermen (TV story)"])

ArcHivist Hegelia hypothesised that, following the incident, a group of CyberNomads following the pursuit of Voga came across Telos, reopened the Telosian tombs and helped to forge the new race of Cybermen, the Neomorphs, which proliferated during the 26th century. (PROSE: Killing Ground, AUDIO: The Early Cybermen) During their attempt to destroy Earth in 2526, the Neomorph Cyber-Leader consulted the records of the Doctor. Among other incidents, he recalled the Second Doctor confining the Cybermen to their tombs on Telos. The 2526 attack was intended to destroy an interstellar conference held on Earth in which the heads of many powerful planets would sign a pact uniting their military forces in a war against the Cyber-race, a war which both the Fifth Doctor and the Cybermen themselves understood they could not win. After this attempt was foiled, (TV: Earthshock [+]Loading...["Earthshock (TV story)"]) the main Cyber-Fleet was dispersed. (TV: Time-Flight [+]Loading...["Time-Flight (TV story)"])

Legacy[[edit] | [edit source]]

In one state of reality, the Infinity Doctor cited the Cybermen destroying Earth before the human race had reached its full potential as a threat to Established History. (PROSE: The Infinity Doctors)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]