TARDIS control room (Step Into the 80's!)

The Fourth Doctor and Romana II once travelled using a TARDIS control room of the Doctor's TARDIS which resembled a white void with furniture in it. (TV: Step Into the 80's! [+]Loading...["Step Into the 80's! (TV story)"]) By one account, this was the Void desktop, a common TARDIS desktop theme. (PROSE: The Tardis [+]Loading...["The Tardis (2012 feature)"])
The Doctor's use of the void desktop contained a Prime Computer, as well as the hatstand which the Doctor also kept in his main control room. (TV: Step Into the 80's! [+]Loading...["Step Into the 80's! (TV story)"])
In TARDISes which used the void desktop, the other parts of the TARDIS would be accessed by the passengers issuing mental commands which made doorways appear in the air. Non-Gallifreyan companions of Time Lords often found this type of control room to be unsettling. (PROSE: The Tardis [+]Loading...["The Tardis (2012 feature)"])