Howling:Regeneration limit?

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The Howling → Regeneration limit?
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Moffat said that one of his old friends was supposed to give a nod to the regeneration limit. Did anyone see anything of the sort in the entire series? Could it have been edited out? The only thing I can think of is this. It was the Dream Lord. If he was the Valeyard, then that would mean that the Tenth's aborted regeneration counted, and Smith's regeneration will be his twelfth. This would explain how the Dream Lord was created in the first place. Does anyone have any other ideas, or know? The Thirteenth Doctor 23:18, June 27, 2010 (UTC)

Surely with the previous doctor sequences to the Atraxi and the Daleks focusing on all previous incarnations and therefore confirming McGann counts as no. 8 (even if it was american tripe imho!), then in the Lodger head bang sequence where Smith states he is the 11th... surely this does away with all the apparant squabbling in the classic series era about whether or not Hartnel as our 1st doctor had or had not previously regenerated. Makes perfect sense to me and I confess I'm not up on Classic Who! 07:55, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Didn't the Five Doctors already confirm that the 1st was indeed the 1st. The fifth Doctor referred to himself as the fourth regeneration. TemporalSpleen 08:59, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

  • Yeah, I'm sure the Five Doctors confirmed it. I don't think it is the number of Doctors there have been, that has been shown before. When he said regeneration limit, most people would assume it is to do with the twelve regenerations limit that he has. If it was just that Matt is the eleventh, I'll be sorely disappointed. The Thirteenth Doctor 09:15, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Maybe Moffat means because this Doctor was created from Amy's imagination, he is the first incarnation of a new Doctor, so he still has another 12 to go. In other words, did he get reset back to 1 ? 10:13, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

There is a possible clue, just not very obvious, that I posted in the Rive Song thread....the old friend may mean an episode with Weeping Angels:

Assuming, River Song killed the Doctor...he murdered a final Doctor that doesn't regenerate...we'll label it the Xth Doctor

We know when River met the Tenth, she said there is a Doctor that she has traveled with and another with a 'new haircut' and she met the Tenth for the first time...That gives us two addition incarnations after the Tenth

When the River met the Eleventh, we are at the part of her timeline where she hasn't met the 'new haircut' doctor. If the "good man" she murdered is the Doctor, then Eleventh can't be the last incarnation because there is the "new haircut" Doctor, and because the "new haircut" Doctor is new to River Song later in her timeline and the Xth Doctor is already dead, that would mean that the Xth Doctor is the 13th. In other words, the Doctor gets his full 13th Incarnations and dies afterward just like how he is suppose to and doesn't die anytime before that... 10:46, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

I'm not sure if I understand entirely all of the post above me, so correct me if I'm wrong (and this has already been established) - but does everyone here seem to be assuming that River's timeline is backwards to the Doctor's? Her first encounter with the Doctor does NOT necessarily mean that it's the Xth Doctor, then working back to twelve, eleven (however many he has) and then to ten. Her first encounter might be with the eleventh, then she meets the twelfth, then the eleventh again, then the Xth, then kills him, then meets the eleventh again, then ten. Her timeline could be all over the place, not necessarily just moving in the opposite direction. The eleventh doctor may still be the haircut suit doctor, but then the twelfth will still see her again.. in an earlier stage for her, of course :) Sorry if that was irrelevant XD 11:33, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

We're not...we just know that she already killed 'the good man' before the eleventh met her (and there is a new haircut doctor and an additional doctor that she has traveled with before meeting the Tenth, and one of them is the the other is the 12th)...and from the order she read the journal, we just know that the haircut appeared after haircut would be 12th...therefore the "good man"...if he is the Doctor...must be 13th...tada... 11:58, June 28, 2010 (UTC)
  • The fact he says he has a new haircut implies that she has seen that version of the Doctor before his haircut, but it isn't said which version it it. It has been implied that it was the tenth offscreen, but it could be the eleventh, or twelfth. But this is getting off topic now. The Thirteenth Doctor 12:00, June 28, 2010 (UTC)
    • Oh...I've always thought that the new haircut meant a completely new regeneration..a new face...a new haircut...I never even thought about it meaning literally a haircut... 12:26, June 28, 2010 (UTC)