Hesperus (planet)

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The Hesperus was a type of Spaceship made by the Vinvocci race, a group of Zocci-like humanoids with spiky green skin. It was a salvage vessel, chiefly used to trawl asteroid fields for junk. (DW: The End of Time)


The Hesperus was some two hundred to three hundred feet in length, and shaped like a sort of fish or brid-like creature, with the bridge in the head. It had a dorsal fin-like apparatus on top, which appeared to be used for stabilization when inside a planet's atmosphere. It had two further fins on angles on it's underside, which presumably functioned as landing gear. It had thrusters in the rear, and rows of yellowish lights (which seemed to be sensors of some kind) running along the head. (DW: The End of Time)


Though not intended for combat, the Hesperus was armed with asteroid lasers to blast away meteors and asteroids, it also had anti missile weapons incase of attack. (DW: The End of Time)

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