Weeping Angel

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference


The Weeping Angels are said to be a lonely race of hunters that travel across time where they stalk victims and leave them stranded in the past where they consume the energy generated from the event.

They evolved the perfect defense mechanism which made them solid when observed by outsiders and appeared as stone which prevented them from being harmed. However, when one turned their back on them or blinked then the Weeping Angel were capable of moving incredibly fast in order to reach their victim.


Life Cycle





The Weeping Angels are said to be a very old species who date back to the time during the earliest point of the universe. They evolved a unique hunting mechanism as well as defensive system which they employed in their stalking of their prey in time. They were described by the Doctor as the kindest of killers and psychopaths but also as perhaps one of the loneliest beings in existence.

In 2007, a quartet of Weeping Angels managed to strand the Tenth Doctor in the 1969 and capture his TARDIS with the goal of using the Time Lord technology for their own goal which is said to be capable of destroying a star. Despite dispatching the Doctor, the Weeping Angels could not find a way into the police box shaped construct and stalked Sally Sparrow in their attempt to gain access to the TARDIS. They managed to corner her in the basement of a building when she managed to enter the TARDIS and attempted to gain entry into the TARDIS which activated and allowed each Weeping Angel to gaze at one another which turned each other into stone which ended this groups menace. (DW: Blink)




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