Howling:River / Rory

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The Howling → River / Rory
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One thing is intriguing me. It is confirmed that River Song will appear in Series 6. and Rory is now travelling with the doctor along with Amy. So Rory and River are supposed to meet. Moreover, River told the doctor in the end of "The Big Bang" that soon he will find out who she is, so what happens in series 6 already happened in River's timeline. So why didnt she recognize Rory when she saw him in "Pandorica Opens"? Does this mean that Rory won't last during all the series? but he's Amy's husband so the only way he will leave her is that he dies.. Would Moffat kill him again?

P.S. Please no one starts talking about River being Amy or Rose or whatever.. River is River she's a new character.. 19:10, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

  • Well, we don't know how long or how many adventures River had after the universe was reset but before she visited Amy's wedding. Her timeline could easily be:
  1. Pre-Pandorica events
  2. Pandorica Opens (not knowing Rory but meeting him)
  3. Resetting of universe and series 6 events (she would now know Rory)
  4. Crash of the Byzantium
  5. Picnick/Singing towers/Library etc.

Also, it could just as easily be that Rory leaves the TARDIS and visits family etc... The Thirteenth Doctor 19:28, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

Your timeline part doesn't answer the question at all: as what you labelled "pre-Pandorica events" is going to happen very soon according to what 63 said. -- 19:37, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

  • It makes perfect sense. All we know is that the River at the wedding had already lived the series 6 events. We don't know when or where River came from. For all we know she had 30 adventures with the Doctor before she visited the wedding. The Thirteenth Doctor 19:42, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

Please quote your source, I highly doubt we know she had 30 adventures with the Doctor before she visited the wedding...especially when she said the Doctor doesn't know her yet before launching him into the exploding TARDIS and the fact that she needed the Vortex Manipulator to leave afterward...I'm so sick and tired of people like you who just keep speculating and assume things without supports. --[[Special:Contributions/| 20:16, July 31, 2010 (UTC)]]

This is the howling. We're allowed to speculate here... that's the whole point of it. If you're sick and tired of speculation then go to one of the other forums.
I never said she did have 30 adventures. Both times I have made sure not to say that anything is definite; "Her timeline could easily be" and "For all we know". And yes, the Doctor wouldn't know her yet, in his timeline... they meet at different points where each knows a certain amount of information about the other. The Thirteenth Doctor 20:18, July 31, 2010 (UTC)
There are speculations that are helpful because they are based on what we know...and there are speculations that are not helpful because they contradict what we know:
  • The Doctor doesn't exist following Big Bang 2
  • River's blue book was blank because the Doctor never existed
  • River's blue book was blank when she gave it to Amy
  • according to your timeline, River's adventure with the Doctor happened during the time when the Doctor didn't does it make perfect sense? Stop throwing in random comments without thoughts -- 21:09, July 31, 2010 (UTC)
Oh, that's right, the Doctor could never ever travel back in time to when he didn't exist could he? That's ridiculous. He'd need a time machine for that, wouldn't he? Trust me. I have thought it through. You obviously haven't.
Are you saying that the Doctor, after he returned, couldn't go back in time, meet River who had just experienced the big bang 2, have several adventures with her, then drop her off at the wedding? That's impossible is it? --The Thirteenth Doctor 21:13, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

During the series 5 finale Rory had been sucked into the crack, so he never existed. Since he never existed he couldn't be in series 6 so River never met him. Now that Rory exists again, an alternate timeline has been created where River would recognize Rory.Icecreamdif 00:24, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

Thirteenth, the thing is not that he could or couldn't drop her off at the wedding...the thing is how could he drop off a River with a blank blue book at the wedding? The River with a blank book is on a timeline without the Doctor. The River that arrived in the wedding comes from a timeline without the Doctor so how could she have your "30 adventures with the Doctor"? If she's dropped off by the Doctor, then her books need to be filled. Can you just think before you type? -- 05:22, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

The basic thing the thread starter is saying is that it is a problem, having series 6 (pre-Pandorica Opens) River meet Rory because she has no idea who he is in thes series 5 finale, she hadn't met him before. Rory would need to be absent during any points of series 6 featuring pre-Pandorica Opens River. River at the end of The Big Bang noted that the next time the Doctor will meet her, he learns who she is, as she already experienced whatever that event was. This will be in series 6, the series that reveals River's story and identity.

But because Rory is in series 6, pre-Pandorica River musn't meet him. However, as they say, time can be rewritten. Maybe she ends up meetng hi earler than we originally saw because of rewritting time. Delton Menace 06:23, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

Delton Menace, we all understand're moving our discussion backward...the only point you are proposing has just been proposed by Icecreamdif already...can't you people bloody read before posting? -- 07:37, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

222, River said everyone goes back to where they belong. For her it would be in the future. In the future, the Doctor did exist as Amy had brought him back by then. Then River could have the adventures with the Doctor, before he drops her off at the wedding to a time his past self didn't exist and the writing disappears, much like with the photograph in Back to the Future, or Amy in City of the Daleks. It's simple time travel really. The Thirteenth Doctor 14:10, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

You oversimplified it way too much:

  1. The Blue Book records the Doctor's adventures in the past and the future
  2. River stated explicitely that following Big Bang 2 the Doctor would be on the other side of the crack and he would never have existed

  • The Doctor didn't exist until he was remembered by Amy in the before then, there is no future Doctor that could bring River Song to the wedding...
  • If the Doctor does exist in the future, then the blue book should record all the future adventures of the Doctor and only the past adventures should be gone...
  • Moreover, do you know how irrational it is to suggest a non-existing Doctor could pop up in the past to cause himself into existence? If such were the case and a non-existing future Doctor simply dropped off River Song at Amy's wedding with a non-existing TARDIS...then shouldn't he just have shown up at the wedding...Amy will definitely remember him if just pops up for a brief second then leave....
  • I fail to see how this ties in with the City of Daleks, as it's stated explicitly that Amy was protected by the TARDIS in City of the Daleks...and the TARDIS is gone in the Big Bang.-- 15:25, August 1, 2010 (UTC)