Children of the Revolution (comic story)

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The Doctor takes Izzy to the planet Kyrol aboard a huge high-tech submarine called the Argus, so that marine biologist Alison Lavelle, an old friend of the Doctor’s, can examine Izzy and better help her understand her new form. The Argus arrives at the Asamda Ridge for a mineralogical survey, Despite the Doctor’s protestations, Alison wants to monitor Izzy in the ocean rather than a tank aboard the Argus. However, as she feels the rush of the ocean, the Argus is struck by a sonic wave and begins to sink. Oblivious, Izzy swims on, but suddenly finds herself surrounded by Daleks.

The Doctor and Alison manage to survive the Argus plunging down to the ocean bed. Whilst Captain Julius Otago and his second-in-command Theo Rankin try to send a distress call to Kyrol central, the sub is attacked by Daleks. Izzy, meanwhile, is taken prisoner. The Doctor and Alison gain entry to the Argus through a hull rupture as the Daleks seize the bridge. The Doctor and Alison make for the reactor, where they try to prevent a reactor meltdown - but it is the Daleks who prevent this happening. Identifying the Doctor, they hail him as the saviour.

While the crew are held prisoner aboard the Argus, the Daleks attach devices to the hull. Julius and Theo are suspicious of the Doctor because of the Daleks’ odd reaction to him. The Doctor needs answers and goes to the bridge to get them. There he meets a Dalek who calls himself Makkith. Makkith says the Daleks are saving the humans following the mysterious sonic wave. The devices on the hull give the sub structural integrity and allow it to be piloted - through a holographic projection and into the heart of the Asamda Ridge. Here they discover a vast Dalek city called Azhra Korr. Disembarking the Doctor is reunited with Izzy, but also meets Alpha, one of the three Daleks he conditioned with the Human Factor during his second incarnation (Evil of the Daleks). Alpha shows the Doctor the peaceful society they have built, developing their psychokinetic powers. But he cannot allow the humans to leave and expose them to danger. The Argus is destroyed. They will remain here and make a new life.

Despite tensions between the Daleks and the humans, Alpha is keen to preserve his society’s security. He tells the Doctor of the escape from Skaro during the civil war and how he had a vision of Kyrol. They have remained hidden for decades, hated and feared by all. The Doctor wants to trace the source of the sonic wave. He gives Alpha his word that he will not attempt trickery. Meanwhile, Julius and Theo are planning escape, but distrust the Doctor and refuse to let him in on their plans. Izzy also feels rejected by the humans. The Doctor tells her he and Alpha are going to find the source of the sonic wave, but he has another task for her to do. As the Doctor and Alpha head off into the waterways beneath Azhra Korr, Izzy swims out to the wreck of the Argus to retrieve the TARDIS. But she is seized by a gigantic tentacle.

As the Doctor and Alpha explore the waterways, Julius and his elite of men launch an attack to seize the saucer that the Daleks arrived in. But tensions between humans and Daleks reach boiling point and an all out attack begins. The Doctor and Alpha, meanwhile, reach the source of the sonic wave - a huge many-tentacled creature called Kata-Phobus. The creature reveals that it led Alpha and his Daleks to Kyrol and has been protecting them ever since. It shows Alpha the conflict in Azhra Korr, but when the Doctor tries to intercede, it reveals his deception to Alpha by producing Izzy and the TARDIS. Feeling betrayed, Alpha opens fire on the Doctor.

The Doctor dodges Alpha’s blasts and manipulates the Dalek into accidentally firing on Kata-Phobus. This gives the Doctor the chance he needs to rescue Izzy and the TARDIS and escape back to the surface. But Kata-Phobus, with Alpha its prisoner, arrives in Azhra Korr first. It explains how it consumed the last remaining member of its own species before looking elsewhere for sustenance. It feeds on psychokinetic energy and saw the potential of the Daleks as psionic generators. Now it plans to feed and use its new strength to destroy all humans on Kyrol. But Alpha will not allow his people to be used as weapons and self-destructs. The other Daleks follow, destroying Kata-Phobus. But some of the humans fail to understand the Daleks’ act of self-sacrifice, and a disgusted Doctor and Izzy head back to the TARDIS. However, outside the ship, they are confronted by two glowing aliens who think Izzy is Destrii. They knock the Doctor unconscious and carry Izzy away into the vortex... back to Oblivion.



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