Christmas (literally, the Mass of Christ) is a traditional holiday. Traditionally, Christmas Eve was observed on 24th December and Christmas Day was observed on 25th December.
Although he is an alien, the Doctor has developed a fondness and appreciation for the celebration of Christmas. Christmas celebrations existed in as far away a time and place at the planet Puxatornee in the year 3090. (BFA: Flip-Flop) Even the normally serious Sara Kingdom from year 4000 felt ready to celebrate the holiday with him. (DW: The Daleks' Master Plan).
The Doctor, jokingly or otherwise, claimed to have left Rose Tyler a red bicycle she wanted for Christmas many years before (from her perspective) they first met. (DW: The Doctor Dances)
Christmas activities in England include pantomime. At a UNIT Christmas party, the Doctor, Jo Grant and others put on a production of Aladdin. (NA: Timewyrm: Revelation, No Future)
Stories set during or associated with Christmas
Television stories
Doctor Who
- "The Feast of Steven," episode 7 of The Daleks' Master Plan
- The Unquiet Dead
- The Christmas Invasion
- The Runaway Bride