Morka was a Silurian who encountered humanity in the 20th century.
Along with others of his race, Morka encountered the Third Doctor at an underground base in Wenley Moor. Stubbornly believing that his own race was superior, he rejected the notion of sharing the Earth with the Humans. He then went behind the back of his leader, Okdel, and released a human prisoner who had contacted a deadly disease engineered by the Silurians.
Believing that his leader failed him, he killed him and set about reawakening his species so they could reclaim the Earth once again. After being tricked into going back into hibernation again, Morka opted to stay behind when there were only a few pods left, willingly giving leadership of the Silurian race to K'to, the Silurian scientist that helped him.
Angry that the Doctor had tricked him, he tried to kill him when he returned to the Silurian base. However, he was wounded by a shot from the Brigadier, and was later blown up along with the base by UNIT. (DW: Doctor Who and the Silurians)
Alternative timeline
In a parallel universe where the Silurians ruled the Earth, he had a wife called Chtaachtl and a son named Imorkal. (MA: Blood Heat) Mortimus used the enslaved Chronovore Artemis to create an alternate timeline in which Morka killed the Doctor. (NA: No Future)
Behind the scenes
- Morka was not named on-screen, only in the novelisation and in MA: The Scales of Injustice. He was listed as Young Silurian in the credits.
- It is unknown if the alternative counterpart to Morka in Blood Heat was the same one who killed his alternative dimension of the Third Doctor.