Title sequence

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A title sequence is that part of a programme which, typically, gives the series title, theme music, serial or episode name, and may also provide the names of the principal actors involved, as well as that of the writer.

Doctor Who

Historically, the title sequence has been of great interest to Doctor Who fans, especially when it has been overhauled, as at the beginning of a new actor's tenure as the Doctor, or simply when a producer decided to do so. Changes to the title sequence can be rigorously scrutinized by fans, who may be interested in such minutiae as the font used in the title cards, or even relatively minor variations in the theme music.

The 1963 - 1967 version of the programme titles did not feature an image of The Doctor, but from 1967-1989 the title sequence included a shot of the current Doctor's head floating either through space or the time vortex, a popular feature which some fans would like to see resurrected in the BBC Wales version. However, the presence of the head — or in the case of Season 11, the body —of the Doctor during the Troughton, Pertwee and Tom Baker eras rendered the title sequences more abstract. John Nathan-Turner's radical redesign of the title sequence completely eliminated the time vortex, and replaced it with a representation of space that was never seen in that way within the body of episodes — mainly because the visual effect of space was far more advanced than what the production team were able to produce on a weekly basis.

By contrast, the title sequences used during the Hartnell era, the McGann telemovie, and the whole of the BBC Wales era, were not abstractions, but showed the time vortex in a way that was used within the body of stories themselves. (DW: An Unearthly Child, Doctor Who, Utopia, The Pandorica Opens)


this verson was 1st used in the 1st episode of doctor who and was crated using a method of a camer ponted at a monitor that it is contctoed to the camrer it did not fecer the doctors face as the oter clisice erer tituls used all so oter than the prgrame name no oter txet wass included so the episod titul and witer credit wass put over the 1st shot of the episod this ttul seqwens wass laste used in the episeod the moonbas part 4


this titule seqwens wass 1st used in the macre teror and wass the 1st to use the corent doctors face and it included the episod titul and witer credit it wass used in tule the program changed to color producon


this was the 1st coler titul secwens ti was made using the same method as the other titul seqsers and was colerd in after wodes it was laste used in the gren dathe


this verson wass a radicul new secwns that used the famos tunl efect it allso in cluded a new logo and was laste used in planet of the spiders


the cracon of this titul was a result of the chang in doctors the new secwens adde the tardis and the new doctor it lasterd for 6 yers and is one of the longist lived tituls


this seqwens was 1st usedin the final sires to fecher the it was changed slitley to acomedat the chang of doctor it was retaerd when the 5th doctor lefet the role in 1984


this titul secwens was the same as the prevos but with lareg changers it had a new logo and doctor it was also more coler ful than the prevos


this was crated to acomidate the chang of doctor it was crated using cgi tecnolergey and was used untle the sires cansur lacon in 1989 and this was the laset to fecer the corent doctora face in the tituls


this was the tituls used in the movie and creditedc all mine actores


this wass used when the sers reternd to telivison and credited the actors who plad bote the doctor and companoe it was also used during the time of 2 doctors


this was crated due to the change in doctor compano and prducson teame it feterd bote the names for bote the doctor and compono it was onley finised 1 week befor brocaste


  • The howlround titles from 1963-1973 and the slit-scan titles from 1973-1980 were created by Bernard Lodge.
  • The animated starfield titles from 1980-1986 were created by Sid Sutton.
  • The computer generated titles from 1987-1989 were created at CAL video.


This short intro started with the word Torchwood on the wall of the Torchwood hub and consisted of red lines and the red coloured word Torchwood in various shapes, sizes, fonts and order on a black background and ended with simply the word Torchwood in the middle.

The Sarah Jane Adventures

This title bore resemblence to the 2005-2009 titles, but with letters instead of the Time Vortex effect.

K9 and Company

This title sequence start with Green Blueprints of K9, and consisted of repeated shots of K9 and Sarah Jane Smith.


This title had a science theme, starting with graphics of a DNA double helix and the structure of an atom. It then has graphics of K9 Mark 2 being built up and his body labeled.