Boeshane Peninsula

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The Boeshane Peninsula was located on Earth or one of its colony worlds, at least by the time of the 51st century.


In the 51st century the Time Agent later known as Jack Harkness was a child on the Boeshane Peninsula where he lived with his mother, his father and his brother Gray. (TW: Adam). He was nicknamed the "Face of Boe", as part of the publicity campaign surrounding a recruitment drive, acclaimed as the first Time Agent from the Peninsula and for his good looks. (DW: Last of the Time Lords)

The Peninsula, located on one of Earth's colony worlds (TWN: The Twilight Streets), was full of mostly grassy sand dunes and beaches. The inhabitants lived in a large building cluster at the edge. One day an invasion came without warning by what Jack described as "The most horrible creatures you could possibly imagine" as the inhabitants believed the creatures would simply pass over them, like they always did(Little is known of the creatures other than their horrific screeches travel before them and they seem to be an extremely sadistic race, as they are said to live to torture). Many inhabitants were killed or taken during the attack, one notable victim was Franklin, Jack's father . Among the few survivors were Jack Harkness and his mother. (TW: Adam) Jack was told by his father to save his younger brother Gray, but Jack accidentally let go of his hand for a second and lost him; he regretted doing this greatly. But Gray survived this and developed an inside rage against his own brother, he eventually attempted to kill Jack, who was then part of Torchwood 3. (TW: Exit Wounds)