Cyber Assault (video game)

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Cyber ​​Assault is an online game based off the Preachers war with the Cybermen in Pete's World.


In Pete's World, after the destruction of the Cyber-Controller, a new Cyber-Leader appears and wages war against the Preachers, who are attempting to destroy the Cybus factories across the world, sending in soldiers to disable the emotional inhibitors.

The game concept is very similar to Risk, however, some additions were made​​: at the end of each round, it is possible to increase the number of units in each database that you have and can get into the mini-games where territories contain a database. In these parts, we must move with the arrow keys and shoot with Ctrl. The goal is to destroy the transmitter. Before we start, three choices to know which clan be available to us: Charlie, Arthur or the Cybermen (blocked until a complete game is not won), Charlie will provide a better attack, while Arthur More than a soldier at the beginning.


The World Map

The world map screen gives you a view of the global conflict. The territories shown in white are occupied by the Preachers while blue territories are under the control of the Cybermen. Grey territories are neutral and have not yet been taken by either force.

The dashed white lines show shipping routes that connect distant territories together. Territories with Cybus strongholds contain a factory icon. Territories with Preacher strongholds contain a base icon. To win the war you must destroy the transmitters in all of the enemy strongholds.

Taking Neutral Territories

You can occupy a neutral sector if it borders one of your own territories. To do this, click on Attack then on your own territory and then on the neutral sector. You must move in at least one unit to capture the territory. Neutral territories offer no resistance so you can occupy them without losing any units.
