Howling:The bodies of hundreds of Time Lords...
In The Impossible Astronaut, River tells us that the body of a Time Lord is "a miracle", one that major empires would start wars to possess, if even one single cell survives. (And if you doubt her, read EDA: Alien Bodies.)
House had entire bodies of hundreds of Time Lords (as well as hundreds of dead TARDISes), and they're all still sitting there on his asteroid. Sure, it's in a bubble universe, but is that beyond the ability of those major empires to reach?
I'm not sure this is an intentional setup. For one thing, Gaiman wrote his episode for season 5, and it seems like that was almost certainly a plot point before he changed it for this season. For another, if the Moff plans to make something of the "even one cell" bit, the two other episodes both had someone (the Mermaid and the Flesh) take cell samples from the Doctor.
But still, it seems odd to make such a big deal about the idea of a dead Time Lord being worth so much, and then introduce hundreds of them just a few weeks later, if it doesn't mean anything.
And think about what we know of the finale, and remember how Alien Bodies paid off in Unnatural History.... -- 10:33, May 28, 2011 (UTC)
1: How are they going to get there? Even the Doctor, with a TARDIS has to use extremely large amounts of power to get there.
2: How are they going to find it? This universe is disjoint from ours and it requires a Hypercube that basically searches out the Doctor for him to even be aware of their existence.
3: It's just a tv show. Boblipton 12:47, May 28, 2011 (UTC)