Howling:Reverse the jelly baby of the neutron flow...

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The Howling → Reverse the jelly baby of the neutron flow...
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When the Ganger Doctor is struggling to come to terms with his past regenerations at the start, he says:

  • One day we will get back, yes, one day.
  • Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow.
  • Would you like a jelly baby?
  • Why? Why? Why?
  • Hello, I'm the Doctor.
  • No, let it go! We've moved on!

And then of course he mixes them all up with, "Reverse the jelly baby of the neutron flow, I'm, would you like a Doctor, I'm, I can't."

OK, so that's Doctors 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and... which one? It would have to be 8, 9, or 10, but it doesn't sound like any characteristic or important line from any of them that I can remember.

The other possibility is that only some of those lines are past-Doctor lines. Maybe "Why? Why? Why?" is the Flesh (especially if you consider Jennifer's speech about how that's always the last question in the eyes of every dying Ganger). But what would the last one mean from the Flesh?

And of course it's always possible that I just completely misheard the line "Allons-y, Martha!" as "No, let it go! We've moved on!" or something ridiculous like that.... -- 21:50, May 28, 2011 (UTC)

The tvtropes community seems to be sure that the "No!" is 10, but "let it go, we've moved on" is the normal 11 voice, making it a pointed joke at the people who whine about David Tennant being gone. I don't hear it at all. And really, they got that from one word? So, I'm still looking for a better answer. -- 00:37, May 29, 2011 (UTC)
The 'Hello, I'm the Doctor' is number 10 (confirmed on Confidential.) Everything after that is 11, and 'why' is indeed probably to do with the flesh, with 'we've moved on' the Doctor talking to himself (real-Doctor explains afterwards that the flesh is struggling to cope with the nature of a Time Lord and regenerations, which I interpreted as it trying to be them all at once.)

"Maybe "Why? Why? Why?" is the Flesh" did you even watch the episode? It has to do with the flesh asking why every time it is killed. It's been alive all this time and it's been asking why it's being killed continuously... seriously... I end up missing a lot of stuff and even I caught that one first time through. V00D00M0NKY 08:48, May 29, 2011 (UTC)

Um... did you skip over the parenthesized part of that sentence? It's obvious what "Why? Why? Why?" could mean for the Flesh, and Jennifer's speech makes it even more obvious. The question is what the "No, let it go! We've moved on!" could mean for the Flesh. -- 19:37, May 29, 2011 (UTC)
Ok but you said "maybe", expressing uncertainty. It definitely is the flesh. And I was still in a state of shock having just finished watching the episode so I wasn't thinking 100% clear. Amazing cliffhanger there. V00D00M0NKY 22:28, May 29, 2011 (UTC)
I don't agree with "definitely", since it makes sense either as 5 or as the Flesh--or, for that matter, as the Flesh trying to get its own thoughts in through the past Doctors' words. (You could even speculate that it's easier to speak through 5 than through 1 or 4, based on their personalities--more open, more psychic, less self-centered, etc.)
Anyway, the mystery to me is still the last line. As I said, doesn't sound like 8, 9, or 10, and it also doesn't sound like something the Flesh would try to say. It doesn't even sound like 11 finally exerting control. So, what does it mean? -- 01:43, May 30, 2011 (UTC)
With the Flesh struggling to cope with copying a Time Lord, who says all the lines have to come from the past? 07:33, May 30, 2011 (UTC)
So maybe the last line comes from 14. All the fans are saying, "But in Deadly Assassin you said you only get 13 lives", and he says, "Let it go! We've moved on!" :)
But seriously, I kind of like your twist. -- 18:03, May 30, 2011 (UTC)
I was thinking more of that line coming from a later episode in the current series. After all, the writers would be in a position to know it was due to be said. 18:49, May 30, 2011 (UTC)