Howling:Your favorite "Hidden Clues" in S5-6

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The Howling → Your favorite "Hidden Clues" in S5-6
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Last season, The Moff proved that we're not wasting our time looking for hidden clues in the production. Doctor's not wearing his jacket, but then he is? Super subtle, and turned out a huge part of the finale. Etc. Now, of course, he's stoked the fire again with these Fourth Dimension messages.

Here are my favorite unresolved clues from the past season-and-a-half:

  • Amy messing with switches, and suddenly turning around and acting scared, as soon as she enters the TARDIS.
  • The TARDIS door was open, and is seen being closed, when nobody should be in there, as pointed out early in this video:
  • The gibberish line Idris spouts amid other lines that would be spoken later in the episode. (Yes, they say the script demands gibberish... they also film false endings.)
  • DIHS logos on the hospital ship in Curse of the Black Spot. (IMO, if this wasn't going to be significant later, it would be a symbol without lettering.)
  • The fact that Rory remembers 2,000 years as an Auton, an experience he never actually endured in this incarnation.

What are yours? Agonaga 19:49, June 1, 2011 (UTC)

I just watched that youtube video you metnioned. I think the door closing is just the wind or itself closing. as for the figure thats in the video it is really creepy but could it just be a statue? and the person moving in the same clip I think is just a production error. The only hidden clue that has freaked me out is the blacked out figure that can be seen hiding behind the wooden hut when the doctor is shot dead by the astronaut, if that turns out to be a production error I will be really pi**ed :/ -- Michael Downey 19:59, June 1, 2011 (UTC)

Hadn't noticed the hut thing, will look for it in my next re-watch, unless you'd be kind enough to provide a link to a clip. I feel the same way about the TARDIS door though, actually - wind notwithstanding, why would the door have been open in the first place? Agonaga 20:03, June 1, 2011 (UTC)
Here's the link, it's quite good - -- Michael Downey 20:08, June 1, 2011 (UTC)
OMG I've just realised in this first clip of amy turning around if you listen carefully you can hear the Silence making that growling noise they do. Does this mean they where in s5 ep2 -- Michael Downey 20:14, June 1, 2011 (UTC)