Howling:The Silence

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The Howling → The Silence
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First of all i would like to disscuss the aliance/pandorica

1) it is practicly impossible the daleks hate all life forms other than themselfs the cybermen are just too unimaganative the sontarans and judoon perfere just to shoot and kill than trap in a box also they all would just be longing to kill each other all the time

2) the painting HOW! vincent van goth is not a prophet or timelord or anything so how did he know the coordinates for the pandorica?

Now about the big picture (my theroy)

the silent has some huge thing ageinst time lords so goes around killing them their is one left and he hopes to wipe out the time lords so he lays an elaborat trap (cracks used to steal beings from across time and space so they can make the trap realistic and tempt the doc or use force to put him in also making the auton rory more rory like and help the doc escape leading up to the doc geting traped) leading up to a decision for the doc A) be erased from time along with the universe or B) get erased from time he wins either way probably knowing the doc by reputation knows he will not let the univese be erased but plan fails so he will be trying the whole of the next series to kill the doc

so please post what you think ---Prof Of Whooligy 21:23, March 30, 2011 (UTC)---

The Daleks hate all other lifeforms, but this wouldn't be the first time that they were willing to work with other lifeforms to serve their own interests. If at all possible, they probably would have exterminated the Alliance when they didn't need them anymore, but the Daleks didn't want to be removed from history. The Cybermen may be unimaginative, but they probably didn't come up with the Alliance anyway. It wouldn't take much imagination to join an alliance that somebody else formed. The Sontarans do like to shoot people, but they are smart enough to know when it would be more effective not to shoot someone. The Judoon also like shooting people, but they also obey the law to the letter, and it is more likely to be legal to trap the Doctor in a box than it is to execute him. As established in Vincent and the Doctor, Van Gogh sees the world differently than other people. That is why he was able to see the monster in that episode when nobody else could. Stonehenge was transmitting the coordinates of the Pandorica across the universe, and Van Gogh was able to recieve that message inside his head. So far, there is no evidence that the force that destroyed the TARDIS was after the Doctor personally. All we know is that it wanted to destroy reality(someone seems to be trying to destroy it once a year these days), and it tried to use the Doctor's TARDIS to do so.Icecreamdif 03:08, March 31, 2011 (UTC)

I expect that Moffat is re-using elements from the BBC books 8th Doctor series. Lawrence Miles wrote on his blog that Moffat chatted with him about using the Doctor's future as a plot device as Miles did in Alien Bodies and Moffat has now done in The Pandorica Opens and with River Song etc. My main point is that the Silence could be a new race set on filling the gap the Time Lords left when they were destroyed like the Council of Eight in Sometime Never... It's just a theory but would kinda make sense. --Revan\Talk 12:11, March 31, 2011 (UTC)

Keep in mind that the Cybermen offered the Daleks an alliance in Army of Ghosts/Doomsday and then formed a temporary alliance with the humans to defeat them. Also, the Daleks have been shown to create alliances when it served their purpose many times in the past. | Who is Dr. Who? 13:14, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

So this is something I was just thinking about today. With the Time Lords gone, there's no one to maintain the Web of Time and make sure that chronology makes any sense in the universe. The Silence are implied to have the power to erase history. Like the Time Lords before them and the Great Old Ones in the previous universe, the Silence could possibly be filling the void where there is no one to maintain control of time in the universe. The Doctor then would be an obsolete remnant of the old regime, and in order to control time they need to eliminate him. The Doctor now knows how to "create" non-Gallifreyan Time Lords (River Song), so he has the potential to rebuild Time Lord society using human Time Lords. The Silence would see this as a threat to their domination of time. Anyways, this is just a theory I had, let me know what you think of it. Cp90 22:28, June 21, 2011 (UTC)

Well there is something else that I don't see people talking about. ¨Silence will fall¨ if The Silence is a hole race of aliens doesn't that means it´s defeat? In this last 2 season there is been a lot of stories were the doctor thinks is fighting one thing but end up being part of the plan all along. Now here comes my crazy theory: Maybe the Pandorica opening and the explosion of the TARDIS was a plan to stop The Silence, not plan by the Silence. Maybe The Alliance (that if its true that The Silence are everywhere can be much bigger and all we saw was the muscle) knows that The Silence wants to use a Time lord as a weapon, and thats why they tried to lock him up and maybe it was them who kidnapped Melody. We all be assuming that the Silence its the only bad guy in this story but what if its actually a war? The Silence against The Alliance? Bmaria 14:46, June 22, 2011 (UTC)Bmaria