The Good, the Bad and the Alien (novel)

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The Good, the Bad and the Alien was a novel in the Doctor Who 2 in 1 books range.

Publisher's Summary

There's more to the Wild West than cowboys...

The Doctor treats Rory to a trip to the Wild West, where the TARDIS crew find a ghost town full of sleeping people and the Black Hand Gang; outlaws intent on robbing the local bank. But it's not quite the same as the films Rory's seen on TV. They soon discover they're not the only visitors to Mason City, Nevada and find themselves in a showdown against the alien Cemar!


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  • The title of the novel is a reference to the Western film, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
  • Amy remembers the cartoon Deputy Dawg.
  • Upon realising that the Cemar resemble meerkats, Rory said to Amy "Simples".



  • The Doctor thinks about wearing a fez. (DW: The Big Bang)
  • Rory asks the Doctor if he had anything to do with the mystery of the missing crew of the Mary Celeste to which the Doctor replies, "Not directly. Long story". The crew jumped overboard after Daleks boarded the ship while chasing the First Doctor through time. (DW: The Chase)
  • There is a pub named the Second Chance Saloon, which is a reference to the Last Chance Saloon. (DW: The Gunfighters)
  • This is not the first novel in a 2 in 1 Book to feature a runaway train. A runaway train also plays a part in NSA: Death Riders


  • The Good, the Bad and the Alien occurs after NSA: System Wipe
  • The Good, the Bad and the Alien occurs before

See Also

External links

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