Millennium Stadium

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The Millennium Stadium was a venue in Cardiff, Wales. It was built in 1999 and replaced the old Cardiff Arms Park. Jack Harkness noted that when the new Stadium was built, it was built at a 90 degree angle to the old one which aligned it with the Cardiff Rift (TWN: Pack Animals).

It was used for the last live performance of the rock band Unattended Article in 2000, which was hijacked by The Mondegreens. (DWAM: We Will Rock You)

Millennium Stadium

In 2008, Torchwood 3 used the Stadium to house a group of dinosaurs that had come through the Rift. (TWM: Rift War! Part Four: Dino Crisis). Later that year the Stadium housed the MonstaQuest creatures and their creator Gareth Portland as he tried to use people's emotions to destroy the city (TWN: Pack Animals).

Behind the scenes