Alien Worlds (DWDVDF feature)

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Doctor Who DVD Files is a fortnightly partwork publication from GE Fabbri Ltd - The Ultimate Build-up Doctor Who Encyclopaedia
One of its features included Alien Worlds a series of features looking at planets featured in Doctor Who.

Magazine Pages

Visit the planet where the Byzantium crashed!
Visit the planet that ended the Fifth Doctor's life
Enter the strange world of games and trickery …
Visit the jungle planet that was home to the Mara.
Plan your visit to this distant planet inhabited by giant insects!
Visit the planet the Time Lords called home.
Your ultimate guide to the planet at the end of the universe.
A quick guide to the alien battlefield in Earth’s sky.
Visit the planet of the dead that was presided over by Davros!
Visit the home planet of the tentacle-faced aliens.
Visit the icy home to one part of the Key to Time.
Visit the planet that was home to the famed Psychic Circus
Dare you take a trip to the planet of the dead?
Visit the Daleks’ mysterious home planet.
Plan your trip to the Cybermen’s second home planet.
Visit the planet inhabited by a variety of giant insects!
Visit the strange planet at the farthest reaches of the universe.