Doctor Who and the Time Witch (comic story)

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On the planet Nefrin, long before Earth was even formed, a woman named Brimo was sentenced to imprisonment in the Eternity Capsule for using her psychic powers to conspire to "pervert the course of destiny." Brimo stayed confined within the capsule for eons until Nefrin's sun eventually collapsed and became a black hole.

This created a split in the fabric of time that created a blank dimension into which Brimo was sucked. Once inside the blank dimension, Brimo found that she only had to think of something and it would come into existence. Unfortunately, in order to create things in the black dimension, energy had to be drawn from the normal universe which could lead to the destruction of the universe if not stopped.

Luckily, the Fourth Doctor and Sharon were also sucked into the blank dimension. The Doctor tried to stop Brimo but she resisted by attacking him with her mind powers. As the Doctor fought back he noticed that the items Brimo had created were beginning to disappear because the TARDIS was preventing energy from entering the dimension.

The Doctor was able to hold off Brimo until she only had enough power left for one last attack. At this point the Doctor suggested that she use that last attack to create the most terrifying thing she could think of. Brimo did this but realized too late that the one thing she found more terrifying than anything else was her former prison, the Eternity Capsule, which formed around her and confined her once again.

With Brimo confined, the Doctor and Sharon prepare to leave the blank dimension which has grown to a size of four years across and passes through the chronocompensator of the TARDIS. Unwilling to wait four years to get to the normal universe, the Doctor activates the TARDIS. Their return is successful but because the chronocompensator was not working both the Doctor and Sharon find themselves four years older. Four years is not a significant change on the Doctor but schoolgirl Sharon finds herself turned into noticeably older woman. Afraid that no one will recognize her when she returns home, the Doctor suggests she look on the bright side and be glad that she missed out on her teen years because he was "a spotty teenager" for fifty years.





  1. Doctor Who (Marvel Comics) (Issue 5) in colour


  • After the Doctor and Sharon cross through the split in time, they age four years. The Doctor says "I shall still think of myself as 743 ... or was it 730, I never can remember..."


External links

to be added Template:Early Fourth doctor DWM comics
