Polly the Glot (comic story)

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Terminal LX 116/RM -- crossroads of the galaxy, the terminal known as Galena, a huge spacestation and docking moor. Dr. Ivan Asimoff, a traveller who met the Doctor in the past, bumps into Frobisher, who was just emerging from the TARDIS. The Doctor also emerges and re-meets Ivan. He tells Ivan that he is the Doctor and he has changed his appearance since they last met... several times, in fact. Ivan rushes off but tells the Doctor he needs his help. He gives the Doctor his card which will tell the Doctor how to reach Ivan -- at the annual conference of the "Save The Zyglot Trust". An alien spacecraft a mere three million miles from Galena tracks a young space faring Zyglot creature -- a giant fish like, insect like floater in space. The aliens tracking it for its colors and the price it will fetch will send it back to the Ringway Carnival -- a kind of alien zoo that includes a Zyglot who was recently visited by Ivan. The captive Zyglot is called Poly and it the only one in captivity. And Dr. Ivan Asimoff has felt in love with it.

As Frobisher wants to stow up on some fast food candy -- chocolate pritchards -- the Doctor plans to get Ivan down in the deep docking bays. He takes Frobisher in the TARDIS and makes the Penguin shapeshifter hold up Ivan with a gun to bring him aboard TARDIS. There, the Doctor tells him, "You've just been kidnapped..."

Asimoff is in the TARDIS as Frobisher brings the Doctor a newspaper from the terminal about the kidnapping. The Doctor's plan is that others, knowing the Zyglot Trust is broke and cannot pay a ransom, will pay lots of donations to the trust to save the Zyglots and Asimoff, who thinks this is outrageous. The President of the Trust will be furious... a Professor Labus... Astro Labus! The Doctor's brain is filled with sensations at this name... he falls through the floor which is like water and he falls and falls... through the mouth of a giant Astrolabus. The Trust, with alien members and Astro Labus, starts its meeting. Astrolabus tells the members he smells a big, fat furry rat and to "throw in a Penguin for good measure!"

Frobisher tends to the fainted Doctor in the TARDIS. The Doctor thinks it is a post hypnotic suggestion... the first part of a jigsaw. The alien hunters of Zyglots are called Akkers, reputed to be the dullest race in the galaxy. The Doctor wants to pay them a visit. Asimoff asks, "Oh, Doctor, we're not going to have another adventure, are we? I don't think my nerves can take it!"

The Doctor gives Asimoff a stun rifle as the two and Frobisher explore a spaceship of boring Akker aliens. Frobisher asks two Akkers where the Zyglots are kept. One tells the other to ignore him, the penguin being just a figment of his imagination. The other Akker says, 'Hang about... But I haven't got an imagination." One of the Akkers sound an alarm.

A robot, the Defender of the ship, attacks the Doctor and Asimoff -- its weapons are a heavy duty industrial cleaner and paint spray attachment, high pressure drain clearing equipment, and a pile of old buckets. It can use a broom, a squeegee, and brush to attack but it 'bops the Doc with a mop" as Asimoff explains. Asimoff gets mean and levels his rifle-gun, "Don't come near me, you monster! One step closer and I'll blast you to smithereens!"

The robot begs Asimoff not to shoot him and confesses it is the Janitor, "I'm not really the defender at all! I'm too young to die!" It then tells them where to find the commander.

Asimoff and the Doctor go the bridge where Asimoff sees that, "Doctor, they have your strange little friend." Frobisher is on the bridge with them. The captain has his hand over a button that will tighten the gravity net and crush the young baby Zyglot under its own weight. As Asimoff threatens the captain, telling him he is a civilized being or he would drop the captain where he stands, the Doctor says, "Steady on, old chap."

The real DEFENDER robot smashes its hand through the wall. The Doctor tells the Asimoff to aim for the control panel. He does and frees the zyglot. The captain tells Asimoff he will never talk but he does... right away. Watching him on a crystal ball is Astrolabus. The captain tells them that the great swami Astral Arbus has put them up to kidnapping the zyglot.

Soon, Astrolabus asks, "Do I hear a VWORP? do I hear two Vworps?" Frobisher and Asimoff surround him but he grabs the Penguin, muttering more insane dribble, and jumps into a box with a curtain that leads into outer space. Asimoff runs and tells the Doctor. The Doctor tells Asimoff to run since he just adjusted the gravity nullifier on Polly's void trap. This will free the creature in captivity. It does.

As Asimoff feels dejected, losing his love -- the Zyglot, he finds the TARDIS vanishing and a suitcase of money which is a contribution to keep the Trust going -- courtesy of Intra Venus Inc. via the Doctor.

Here's to you, Doctor... to the future and the next time we meet... and may heaven help us all."


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