Apalapucia was a paradise planet and the home world of the Apalapucians.
Astronomical Data
Apalapucia was a fabulously beautiful planet of soaring spires, silver colonnades and the mirrored Glasmir mountains. The planet had a pinkish-purple sky and an oxygen-rich atmosphere.
According to the Doctor, it was voted the #2 destination for the discerning intergalactic traveller, #1 being the Planet of the Coffee Shops. (DW:The Girl Who Waited)
By the time the Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams landed on Apalapucia, the planet had been infected by an outbreak of Chen-7, a disease swiftly fatal to two-hearted races such as Time Lords and the native Apalapucians.
The Two Streams Facility was set up to care for the infected population, and through the use of a divergent time-stream, allowed them to live through their entire life in a day. The facility was staffed by the Handbots, who patrolled the facility, offering medication to its inhabitants both for medicinal purposes and as a means of disabling intruders.
To pass the time, patients of the facility had access to various entertainment facilities: an aquarium, an art gallery, a cinema, access to a vast garden with bizarre and beautiful topiary and portals to the planet's famous 'Glasmir Mountains' and a replica of the 'Rollercoaster Zone' amusement complex on Clom.
The status of the planet, and its people after the TARDIS crew departed is unknown. (DW: The Girl Who Waited)