Theory:Doctor Who television discontinuity and plot holes/The God Complex

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This page is for discussing the ways in which The God Complex doesn't fit well with other DWU narratives. You can also talk about the plot holes that render its own, internal narrative confusing.

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... and so on. 
  • why does the tardis not translate the words of the minotaur?
Maybe it doesn't need to, because the Doctor seems to understand exactly what the Minotaur is saying (like how the TARDIS doesn't translate Gallifreyan in A Good Man Goes to War). The other possibility is the Minotaur's growls are not speech or words, but it is actually communicating telepathically with the Doctor which is why he seems to understand everything it is saying.
  • Even though the Weeping Angels in this episode are fake, wouldn't they still be a threat, as "whatever has the image of an angel becomes an angel itself"?
That's not meant to be taken literally, not everything that looks like an angel becomes one, they're only refering to films or pictures of an angel, after all why would making a statue of something make it come to life?
They weren't a threat to anyone but Gibbis, as they were his nightmare
I'd say this is probably right, and the control over the rooms supercedes the image rules. I know the guy above this doesn't agree, but there's no reason to actually think he's right or wrong either way and I'd be inclined to agree it would happen under normal circumstances, so long as it was actually based on an Angel, taking shape, and hence image, as opposed to a religious angel or something.
They weren't a threat to anyone, _especially_ not Gibbis. If the rooms killed people instead of just scaring them, the minotaur wouldn't be able to eat their faith.
The images may also need a real angel to be animated
  • What happened to the dead individuals (Rita, Joe etc) once the unreal world was stripped away leaving the survivors and the tardis. Also the Minotaur fed on faith not flesh so why wasn't the 'hotel' full of bodies in various cycles of decay?
If the prision was designed to feed the beast then you can assume a large number of people would have had to have been transported on board, so I'm guessing it has some kind of cleaning system/protocol in place to remove the bodies after a period of time, or maybe after the current iteration/group of people have been killed.
  • Who lined up the ventriloquist dummies as mourners for the dead, and why would they have bothered to?
Weren't the dummies already in the dining room when Joe was alive? If so, nobody brought them there. The question is, why did they bring Joe's corpse, and the others, back to a room full of creepy ventriloquist dummies?
Maybe because it was right next to the kitchen, and that's where the tea was? As silly as that sounds, it's in keeping with Rita's character. And then Howie's body and hers were brought there out of respect for her choice, or just because everyone was too busy thinking about other things to re-think it, or something.
Actually, that's not the only question. If the dummies were in the dining rool in the first place, how did they get there? Was that Joe's room, even though everyone else got a guest room? Or did Joe actually carry all of the dolls from his room to the dining room so he could sit around and giggle with them while waiting to praise the minotaur?
I got the impression that the dining room WAS Joe's room. I know it seems a bit out of place, but if the idea was to have Joe's room be a real fear of dummies, then filling an entire dining theatre full of them was a pretty terrifying idea. One dummy in a room isn't that scary, but walking into what seems like a dinner party... and all the dummies turn around to face you? Run for the hills. As for who lined them up, I think it was just the Doctor, Amy, etc moving them from the chairs. Seems pretty logical to me that they would just put them in some kind of line against the wall. And the bodies would, again, just be lined up near the wall. "Out of the way", I guess.
It's true that nobody says "your room" has to be a guest room, and it would make sense to use all the rooms of the hotel, since they'd already been created anyway.
  • The order of people seeing there rooms was Joe, Howie, Rita and Gibbs and then Amy (omitting Eleven). And the order of people being possessed was Joe, Howie, Rita and then Amy. So we can presume you are possessed in order of when you saw your room. So why wasn't Gibbs possessed over his faith of being conquered?
Never presume. It's not in order of seeing your room. It was whomever thought about their faith the strongest. Joe was obviously first, then Howie and Rita. Gibbs however, when he faced his fear, didn't seem to think about his faith of surrendering. He hid instead of accepting the Weeping Angels. He forgot his faith, so there was no supply of food for the Minotaur, so it didn't come for him. And then Amy was the next to think strongly on her faith.
In fact, you could see this as the Doctor's fault (and he probably does). He explicitly told everyone to think of their faith to avoid being afraid, and this worked better on Amy than on Gibbis (for obvious reasons), so she was possessed before him.