Jake Simmonds

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Jake Simmonds was a young member of the resistance group called the Preachers. They opposed John Lumic's Cybermen on a parallel Earth.


Jake worked alongside Ricky Smith, with whom he had a close relationship, and Mrs Moore. Shortly before Jake met Mickey Smith (Ricky's counterpart in the main universe), the original leader of the Preachers was captured. (DW: Rise of the Cybermen)

During the Cybermen attack on Torchwood Tower, Jake, Pete, Mickey and other soldiers came from the parallel Earth and killed numerous Cybermen. When the Tenth Doctor sealed the breach between the parallel Earth and Earth, all the parallel Earth soldiers that survived the attack returned to their own world, including Jake. (DWDoomsday) 

Behind the scenes

  • In a deleted scene, Jake implies that he and Ricky were lovers, to which Mickey replies "I'm definitely not replacing him then!"