Howling:No Cybus Cybermen?

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Revision as of 11:11, 6 November 2011 by (talk) (Created page with "It's shown in ''The Pandorica Opens ''that Amy Pond doesn't appear to recognise a Cybermen of the Cybus variety when she sees one, and I think this is also the case in one of the...")
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It's shown in The Pandorica Opens that Amy Pond doesn't appear to recognise a Cybermen of the Cybus variety when she sees one, and I think this is also the case in one of the Adventure Games, despite them having appeared in large numbers across the world only a couple of years earlier. And most recently, in Closing Time, we see that Craig Owens doesn't know what they are either. This is similar to Amy's reaction to the Daleks in Victory of the Daleks, where it was eventually revealed to be due to the Time Cracks erasing things from existence. Now if we assume that the same thing happened with the Cybus army in Army of Ghosts/Doomsday, we're left with some problems. For one, without the Cybusmen, how could the Battle of Canary Wharf have occured, in which Torchwood 1 fell? And how could Ianto Jones' girlfriend Lisa have been Cyberised? Ianto's issues with finding a cure for Lisa hugely affected his interactions with the rest of the Torchwood team, and him losing her when and how he did was part of what lead to his developing relationship with Jack. My point is that without the Cybus army, the past lives of various characters are heavily distorted. I, for one, would like the events of Cyberwoman to still have occured, if only for the characters' lives to make sense and for such past stories to still be a worth a damn. 11:11, November 6, 2011 (UTC)

The Howling → No Cybus Cybermen?
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