Black magic

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Black magic is a form of magic associated with Satan and other evil entities. Black magic is often associated with witchcraft, although the two often differ.

Some of the malevolent races who practiced black magic included the Dæmons (DW: The Dæmons), the Carrionites (DW: The Shakespeare Code), and the Hervoken. (TDA: Forever Autumn)

There were also practitioners of black magic on Earth, although the use it was not species-wide.

In 1611, Elisabeth Bathory, Edward Kelley and Francis Pearson conducted a black magic ritual which brought the Mimic to Earth. (MA: Managra)

In 1638, Lady Peinforte conducted a black magic ritual to transport herself and Richard Maynard to 1988 to retrieve the Nemesis statue. (DW: Silver Nemesis) However, it was actually a time storm created by Fenric that allowed this to happen. (DW: The Curse of Fenric)

It is unclear what effect Peinforte's ritual would have had without Fenric's intervention, if any.

In the 19th century, the villagers of Treawtha suspected Tobias Philby of practicing black magic rituals (actually time travel experiments), and when these were seemingly confirmed they burned down his house. (TVC: The Amateur)

Black magic