The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (in-universe)

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was a series of work quoted and referenced several times by the Doctor.

Minor references

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (in-universe)

Behind the Scenes

Douglas Adams, the writer of the radio show-turned-book turned book series, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy wrote a number of Doctor Who serials as well as being a Script Editor of the series during Season 17 of ther series. Consequently, lines from Hitchhiker's Guide found their way into The Pirate Planet and a reference to the Hitchiker's guide character Oolon Coluphid gets a mention in Destiny of the Daleks, which Adams script-edited.

Perhaps by a coincidence, the scene in the third book of the quintilogy - Life, the Universe, and Everything - in which Arthur Dent and a near-Human friend, Ford Prefect, materialise in Lord's Cricket Ground is similar to a similar scene in The Daleks' Master Plan in which the Doctor materialised his TARDIS in the same stadium.

The third book and radio series in the Hitchhiker's series, Life, the Universe, and Everything was based on a rejected Doctor Who script.