Danny Simmons

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"What are you going to do? Sucker me to death?" -Simmons' last words.

Simmons was a technician in the employ of Henry van Statten. Simmons tortured the last Dalek whilst Van Statten tried to discover what it was. He apparently enjoyed his job. After the Dalek used Rose Tyler's DNA to regenerate itself, Simmons confronted the creature. He arrogantly mocked it, ignorant of the mortal danger he was in. He finally realised what he had truly been 'working' with as the Dalek clamped its 'sucker' onto his face, suffocating him him and apparently even crushing his mouth. (DW: Dalek).

The character was named after Kai Simmons, the actor who played the corresponding role of Dalek torturer in Jubilee, the audio story Dalek was based on.