Maxwell O'Keefe
Maxwell O'Keefe was a rich buissness man whoowned a large number of attractions. He delighted in excitment and fun places and despised educational ones. He has a fondness ofbossing people around and eating and therefore is fat.
Maxwell aquired his for tune with ease and did little work to earn it. He hired a man called Curtis Rabley to be his personal asssistantwhen he was caught trying to rob a bank. He was determined to buy the scientific Snowglobe 6 and turn it into a Winter sports amusement park in 2099. Maxwell met up with Beth Cowley, the current owner, in order to buy it. He stayed in Snowglobe 7 He soon realised Beth was keeping something secret from him and set out to find it. He travveld with Curtis to Sonwglobe 6 where the pair discoved dead bodies. They were then attacked by a spider-like creature. Curtis bugun shooting it while Maxwell just stood still. While Curtis left elegedly to get help, Maxwell did'nt move. Unknown to him they detected movement with a sonal like system. When Maxwell ran the creatures easily caught up with him and killed him.