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Auvers-sur-Oise was a village on the outskirts of Paris. Vincent van Gogh settled there on 21 May 1890. (PROSE: "Vincent van Gogh" [+]Part of The Doctor: His Lives and Times, Loading...{"namedpart":"Vincent van Gogh","1":"The Doctor: His Lives and Times"})

One account suggests that Vincent van Gogh was living in Auvers when he encountered the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and the Krafayis; (PROSE: "Vincent van Gogh" [+]Part of The Doctor: His Lives and Times, Loading...{"namedpart":"Vincent van Gogh","1":"The Doctor: His Lives and Times"}) however, another account suggests he may have been living in Arles, (PROSE: The Whoniverse [+]Loading...{"chaptname":"The Birth of Knowledge","page":"71","chaptnum":"2","1":"The Whoniverse (novel)"}) or that the two places may have been one and the same. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor [+]Loading...["Vincent and the Doctor (TV story)"])

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

The name of van Gogh's town was in fact never established in the episode, but can be assumed by the name of the painting which is central to that story, which is named by the Eleventh Doctor as The Church at Auvers.