Bubble Wrap

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Bubble Wrap was a Yellow Kang residing in Paradise Towers.

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

When General Favalan arrived at Paradise Towers she made clear to the residents that without Kroagnon's designs Paradise Towers would not be able to properly function as the safe haven that it was intended to be. She offered a solution that all of the residents would be allowed to enter into a virtual reality version of Paradise Towers and be blissfully aware of the truth as she and her soldiers took care of them. The residents agreed to these terms and were placed into stasis. However, they were unaware that Favalan had turned to cannibalism and intended to slowly butcher the population like cattle. (COMIC: Paradise Found)

Prior to the truth being exposed, Bubble Wrap's stasis chamber suffered a technical glitch which allowed her to awaken in the real world. There she encountered two soldiers, one of whom she knew, and overheard their comments about eating the other residents. She attempted to escape but was chased by the pair, she decided to enter into another machine hoping to warn her friends in the virtual world. (PROSE: When Bubble Wrap Went Pop) However, she was stalked by the soldiers and pulled back into reality where she was murdered and eaten. (COMIC: Paradise Found, PROSE: When Bubble Wrap Went Pop) Her disappearance was investigated by Viv-2 and Can Opener, the latter of whom witnessed her vanishing into thin air and was later taken herself after reporting the incident to Favalan. As Viv-2 was prepared to alert the population about the mysterious goings on, Favalan created avatars of Bubble Wrap and Can Opener to discredit her. These avatars were later used to attack Viv-2, although when she pointed out that they were part of the Paradise's original system and therefore should be looking out for the residents the avatars defaulted on Favalan's programming and later helped Viv-2's side fight against her and the soldiers. (COMIC: Paradise Found)