Forum:Quote pages - revisited

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We have removed all quotes from in-universe articles, but there remains quotes pages. Some characters (especially early characters). Should these pages be deleted or tided up to make it look more tidier (such as episodes being the headings) however this would mean created pages for every other main character (such as Doctors and companions) and also there will be User, registered and unregistered that add their favourite quotes to the page in any format they want and any where on the page. So should the quote pages be deleted or should they be kept, tidied up, new one created for important characters and also a policy created for these pages? Mini-mitch 18:35, December 6, 2100 (UTC)

Despite my recent edits, I am in favour of deleting these.--Skittles the hog 21:30, December 6, 2010 (UTC)
Firmly agree with Skittles the hog, here. Quotes/quote pages are not encyclopedic. We have a quote of the week feature on the front page as a bit of fun to entice people into the meat of the wiki. That's fine, there's an orderly process for the selection of the quote, and then we move to the next one. If the quote isn't correct, who cares? It's gone quickly enough. But these quote pages can house (well-intentioned) inaccuracies. Everyone thinks they know what their favorite quote is, but everyone thinks that Sherlock Holmes said, "Elementary, my dear Watson," even though he didn't.
By far, though, the worst offense of quote pages is that they encourage subjectivity. There's no standard by which the content of quote pages is judged. If an editor likes a quote, for whatever reason, it goes in. That makes them little better than forum pages, really. At on point in this never-ending battle against quotes, I suggested making a quote namespace, so that these pages would be in the format of Quote:Sarah Jane Smith, and we could make it plain to people that they weren't in the normal namespace. I'd still prefer that over just leaving them in main, but, really, let's just delete 'em. They just don't have a place here. If you want to quote someone, make it pertinent to the text you're writing. The First Doctor's, "You can't change history, not one line!" can go on The Aztecs page, within the plot section, because it is a plot point. I've given a Mel quote at Melanie Bush, but it's within the body of the text, reinforcing a point about her personality. But just having a random collection of First Doctor or Mel quotes? Pointless in the extreme. CzechOut | 23:39, December 6, 2010 (UTC)

Confirmation that these should be deleted? Yes? No? It never really came to a final decision but these need to go.--Skittles the hog--Talk 15:07, February 5, 2011 (UTC)

Go forth...and all that. Yes, delete. --Tangerineduel / talk 15:11, February 5, 2011 (UTC)

Mission complete. If you see any links, remove them. Thanks--Skittles the hog--Talk 15:22, February 5, 2011 (UTC)