Forum:Moving to full sentence case

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Pursuant to Tardis:Manual of style#Headings, my bot is now tasked with changing all subheads in articles with converting from "Title Case" to "Sentence case". Thousands of pages have already been changed.

As this task must be done in stages, you will experience a period of time in which some pages appear to have a mix of "Title Case" and "Sentence case" subheads. This will be corrected gradually. Please do not correct manually unless you find an instance of an article with a unique subhead that the bot would not likely find. Along the way I'm also making some word changes, weeding out instances where people have used a synonym for a more standard phrase and the like

Among the things that are being corrected:

  • See Also → See also
  • Further Information → Additional details
  • External Link(s) → External link(s)
  • Original Print Details → Original print details
  • Publication and Reprints → Publication and reprints
  • Opening Tag → Opening narration box
  • Credited Credits → People credited in this issue
  • Production crew → Crew (There's no other kind of crew)
  • Comic Strips → Comic strips
  • Comic Strip Stories → Comic strip stories

More will likely follow. If you encounter a page with a mixture of sentence and Title Case, please remember that the Title Case is the thing against the MOS.

So, just to be clear: "See Also" is wrong; "See also" is right.

You can help with this rather massive cleanup project by adding any you find which are consistent in a particular range, but which don't necessarily appear more broadly on the wiki. Also, manual correction of Title Case subheads that are particular to one single article would be greatly appreciated. (These are particularly found on companion pages, Doctor pages — well, character pages in general. CzechOut | 13:42, May 29, 2010 (UTC)

Update 16:24, May 29, 2010 (UTC) Bit of a problem creeping in. Nothing terribly serious. But apparently I've got some overlapping requests (several different things being done to the same category of files at the same time), and it's causing the bot to take a new action which undoes the one it just did. It'll all calm down eventually, but for the moment, especially on comic stories and the magazines that contain them, you'll see some weird behavior. Don't misread any of this as an effort to back away from making these changes. It's just bot flotsam. CzechOut | 16:24, May 29, 2010 (UTC)