Forum:(TV story) inclusion

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I've noticed that the (TV story) is included in articles where the title of the story is shared with another thing. I want to propose a change, though it would be a huge change and it probably won't go ahead, but I'll suggest it anyway. Instead of only having the ones that share titles have (TV story) after them, all episodes could have "TV story:" before the title. Not only would this solve the problems of shared titles and moving of articles etc, it would also keep all of the titles in the same format. This type of formatting is used at Heroes Wiki and works brilliantly.

Of course, this would be a huge change, and I don't expect there will be much support for it to happen as there would be a tremendous amount of work involved, but instead of just keeping the idea to myself, I though I'd put it out there, just in case it would improve the site. --The Thirteenth Doctor 20:45, July 23, 2010 (UTC)

I'm against this, we've got a pretty logical system of citing story titles without throwing an additional complexity into the mix.
Currently it goes: PREFIX: Story Title. The prefix is necessary given the multiple range and everything we cover. If we were to your proposed system it would be either PREFIX: TV story: Story title or TV story: PREFIX: Story title.
Additionally there is the massive change, we've got 17,000 pages, that's more than triple what the Heroes Wiki has currently, even with a bot it's not full proof. But practically all the content pages of that 17,000 would have a link off to a story page.
I can't begin the imagine the amount of re-directs we'd end up with if this went ahead. It would entitle; every TV, novel, CD, audiobook, short story, short story anthology, comic, graphic novel, stage play, webcast, reference book, soundtrack release, music release being moved and having all their links changed, even with a bot that would take a while and I still wouldn't be confident of getting every single one. --Tangerineduel 13:47, July 29, 2010 (UTC)
Ok. I knew it'd be a big task, but I didn't think of it in terms of that... Tell you what, if I ever get a Xylok into a computer, I'll get him to do it instantly... --The Thirteenth Doctor 18:19, July 29, 2010 (UTC)
It's okay, I can see where the idea came from.
Just keep in mind this this wiki isn't just about the TV series (it's not even just about the Doctor Who TV series), there's more non-TV content than TV content, it's a mammoth amount of stories.
The system we've got at the moment works across all these stories, it's easy to type and make sense of. --Tangerineduel 14:23, July 30, 2010 (UTC)