Forum:Stories or TV stories?

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Looking at the page for The Pandorica Opens, I noticed that some enemies had a template for stories, while others had a template for just televisions stories. Cybermen, Sontarans and Autons all had a template for stories, while Daleks, Silurians & Sea Devils, Weevils and Judoon had a template for television or TV stories. Should it not be the same for all of them? Either we list all the appearances in one place, or we split them all into different templates. TemporalSpleen 19:19, June 11, 2010 (UTC)

See Forum:Villains Navigation templates. I reworked a few of them, but I was kind of hoping for more feedback on whether people liked the massive Cybermen one before going and doing the rest of them. --Falcotron 12:12, June 12, 2010 (UTC)