Forum:Cybermen suffixes

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We need to sort out some sort of rule for the suffixes of Cybermen. So far there have been many different suffixes added onto Cyber: Man, Woman, Leader, Controller, King, Lord, etc etc. We need to work out how to keep their names in a similar manner. For example, right now we have Cyberman, Cyberwoman, Cyber-Leader, CyberKing, Cyber-lord, Cyber-Controller. Only two of these, the Cyberman and Cyberwoman are in a similar form, and the others all have their own. I think we should probably have the rest of them in a similar format to each other. Thoughts? The Thirteenth Doctor 19:36, July 11, 2010 (UTC)

Well, I'm always of the mind that we need to find an in-universe source to fact check these spellings.
In this case it'll need to be the novels, short stories and comics.
Consistency is important but we need to be true first to our sources, and if there are some differences note them in the behind the scenes section of the 'Cyberman' article or somewhere. --Tangerineduel 13:50, July 13, 2010 (UTC)