Forum:Infidel's Comet and The Pattern

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I saw these thing on the non-canon list under unofficial BBV stuff. I tried looking around but I can't discover what "Infidel's Comet" and "The Pattern" are and what relation they had to Doctor Who. If anyone could explain this to me I would be incredibly grateful. Thank you! The preceding comment was made by Bigredrabbit (talk to me) 01:16, September 18, 2011 (UTC)

The TARDIS Library is always a good place to start looking for info on things like this. They've got listings for both Infidel's Comet and The Pattern . I haven't listened to either, but from what those entries say, the former has no connection to the Doctor Who except a brief cameo by a Sontaran, and the latter has no connection at all; they're just sort of Doctor Who-ish sci-fi. -- 01:22, September 19, 2011 (UTC)