Howling:Clues for Series 6

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Since the story arc of series 6 is obviously related with series 5 (the cause of the tardis explosion), i have a strong feeling that after watching the series 6 we'll re-watch 5 to see all the clues that we missed. I know there have been lots of speculations of forums and lots of questions, but after the doctor going back to FaS, i think that a lot of the small details that we took as production errors will have an explanation in series 6. Some of those things that come to my mind now:

- The doctor's watch when he comes back in FaS is different from the one in the BIg Bang (one is gold and the other i black i think)

- Different bow tie colors: blue and red (i dont recall the exact scenes so if someone else noticed it plz specify..)

- The swing in Amy's yard swinging while the tree leaves are not moving so there was no wind. I also found it interesting that almost at the end of the BIg Band when the doctor goes back to 7-year-old Amelia, and goes out to the garden to carry her while she was sleeping, there is no shot for the swing however the swinging sound is very loud and obvious as if they wanted us to hear it..

I dont know what those things are supposed to mean, and probably they ARE production errors, but after seeing Moffat's work, maybe they're not.... any thoughts? 22:44, July 2, 2010 (UTC)

The first one is the most obvious production era in the world. The Doctor went back along his own timeline wearing ther gold watch, but the scene of where he goes to Amy after going back, it's black, and then gold again. Production era, period.

The second one is just a parallel to the fact that Ten's sits changed between colours every now and then. Now the bow tie and jacket changes every now and then.

The third is is just for the mysterious/creepy/fairytale atmosphere. It's supposed to have a fairytale feel, hence a lone house at night, wind blowing, and a swing, ugh, swinging.

The only thing in series 5 that are truly important to series 6 are, River, the explosion, and The Silence/the voice, and by extension, the time field/cracks. They're the only unanswered questions, really. Delton Menace 06:24, July 3, 2010 (UTC)

What about the date on Rory's badge in The Eleventh Hour? --Rest In Peace Sarah Jane \ Talk to me! 18:44, April 21, 2011 (UTC)