Howling:Could Rory and Amy be affected by the Miracle?

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Could Rory and Amy be affected by the Miracel? Because River drops them of back in their own "time" after A Good Man Goes to War. Or is that "time" before the Miracle? Mattias.nilsson86 18:25, August 21, 2011 (UTC)

It will most likely be before or after the miracle. Even though the beginning of the next half of the Doctor Who season will briefly overlap with the end of Miracle Day, I doubt that they are going to make the plot more complicated by mentioning that Amy and Rory are immortal. If that had happenned, the Doctor would probably want to stay on Earth to try to stop the miracle, and it will obviously be Torchwood that finally deals with it. Besides, if Amy was immortal she would probably at least have mentioned it when she was leaving that message in the prequel.Icecreamdif 19:43, August 21, 2011 (UTC)