Howling:Did The Torchwood Three team turn into the master race?

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so the master race thing happened all over the world? so did Jack, Ianto and Gwen turn into the Master as well? DalekVictor554 02:15, August 6, 2010 (UTC)

remember that Jack teleported off of Earth in the chilodren of Earth finale, as evidenced when he was hanging out in an alien bar, it would indead be likely that the surviving members of the Torchwood team became the Master race, but were changed back like everyone else Sclera1 03:08, August 6, 2010 (UTC)

ah! of course thank you very much Sclera, helpful DalekVictor554 06:54, August 6, 2010 (UTC)

your welcome =) Sclera1 07:40, August 6, 2010 (UTC)

Ianto was dead by the events of The End of Time, Jack's status as human remains debatable, but Gwen and Rhys would be affected. The Master Race event happened during Christmas 2009, but Jack left Earth and was visited by the Doctor in March 2010. Delton Menace 07:07, August 7, 2010 (UTC)

imagine everyone becoming the Master... at that moment in time, there'd be Masters commiting suicide, Children bursting out of clothes as they became Master-sized, Masters stook in the awkward position of having formally hetrosexual actions... How does it even work. If a man was "inside" a woman at that moment and the woman became male....

ok Delton Menace so then i take it every companion the Doctor the doctor had on earth was turned into the master race but about Jack would the Master Incident affect him? DalekVictor554 09:15, August 7, 2010 (UTC)

No, because he wouldn't have been on Earth at the time( and technically, we don't even know if he's full human, he could be in the same vein as Donna). That said, it would be an interesting exploration into his immortality...- I. Am. Excalibur-117-(talkcontribs) 13:34, August 7, 2010 (UTC)

  • Actually, the End of Time takes place at Christmas 2009. Jack never left Earth until March (?) 2010, so would (if Human) have been affected. The Thirteenth Doctor 13:54, August 7, 2010 (UTC)
    • Oh, so it memory must be going. Either way, it comes down to whether A) Jack is pure human (part-human doesn't count, otherwise Donna would've been a Master too.) and B) Whether or not his Immortality protected him. This whole discussion actually raises a whole slew of questions about other cases; what about children in the womb? - I. Am. Excalibur-117-(talkcontribs) 14:02, August 7, 2010 (UTC)
    • DalekVictor554 made a damn good point there, despite the unusual nature of it. Let's face the reality: what about people who were driving when they changed (would the car crash?), people who were trying to kill themselves (it's a big world, someone is doing it every second) when it happened, peope in sexual intercourse when they changed, the list goes on. It's even more annoying than wondering, if the Earth was moved, what happened to all of those planes in flight? I always wondered what happened to babies when the Master Race thing happened, too. Delton Menace 07:37, August 8, 2010 (UTC)
    • It would probably be pregnant Masters over the world but sorry what do you mean about the planes? DalekVictor554 08:49, August 8, 2010 (UTC)
  • This is discussion is going a little too far lol :) well to try to answer some of the questions, remember that before people completely changed into the master, they started seeing him in their head and feeling something wrong. So whatever they were doing they'll stop it bcoz they cant see anymore. If 2 people are having sex and they lost their sight and started seeing a strange man in their head, i guess they'll stop. So will someone who's driving a car. So all actions stopped before completely becoming the master. As for the babies, we saw that people from different ages became the master and all looked the same age as him. Donna's mom didnt become an older version of the master, she looked just like he does. So i guess babies also became a grown up master not a baby master ;) Now for pregnant women, when they transformed into the master everything about them changed. They're not human anymore and certainly not women. So they dont have a womb to hold the baby so they're not pregnant anymore... 09:08, August 8, 2010 (UTC)
  • But the baby simply can't just dissappear and the kids just evolve into a grown up man? what happens when the matter was fixed? they just regress back into a child, that would be ridiculous. DalekVictor554 09:45, August 9, 2010 (UTC)
  • Re: DalekVictor554's point about regressing back to child...I think it is fully possible as Rassilon's reversal thing has never been made clear if it's biological or if it's some sort of time technology thing...we're talking about the Timelords here, they can bring people back from the dead and give new lives to people....but as for the whether the babies would actually turn into Masters or not and other potential hapzardous situations...have we forgotten that the Immortale Gate has always been built to heal the population of an entire planet? It probably already has safety measures built in to prevent damaging children/embryos or mutating them or disturbing population that are focusing on something. It is also sensible that at least some people would have died from accidents due to this being a planet wide catastrophe...I don't think there would be anything wrong with that... I mean remember ATMOS, what happened to most of the birds...I think it's ludicrous to assume that the Doctor saved everyone and everything...-- 11:24, August 9, 2010 (UTC)
  • Ok that seems like a rational explanation... hey for all we know the babies could have exploded out the womb but as if they would show that.
  • We know they didn't explode out of the womb. Gwen still had her baby at the end of Children of Earth. The Thirteenth Doctor 10:04, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
  • Do refresh my mind, Thirteenth...we would know it because? -- 12:39, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
  • Had the child exploded in the womb it would have killed "Gwen", or the Master as she would be at the time. Then when Rassilon returned the Humans, Gwen would still be dead and the baby would die, which would be outside of her. We know that Day 5 of Children of Earth is in March 2010, after the events of the End of Time, and Gwen and the baby are both alive, therefore we can rule out the exploding baby. The Thirteenth Doctor 14:52, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
  • you mean you assume "Gwen would still be dead and the baby would die"...I am sick of people using speculations as proof...How many times must people correct you before you learn that using your own speculations as supports is pointless...Please stop doing this across every single thread you see...People are tired of correcting you and pointing out your logical flaws...-- 16:40, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
    • Oh will you give over... it's the Howling... we are allowed to speculate. How many times do I have to tell you that? And of course, the baby exploding was never speculation in the first place, was it? --The Thirteenth Doctor 18:17, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
    • the unnamed user said "for all we know the babies could have exploded", and you said "we KNOW they didn't explode out of the womb"...and this is not the first time you have done constantly post up unsupported guesses, and very often irrational ones, and either say things like "we know that" or openly asking people to agree with you....Users who haven't watched the episodes may actually treat it as a fact after reading this. What you are constantly doing on this forum is horrible...flooding the forum with irrational ideas and posting random irrelevant points after these ideas being dismissed by other users; saying something certainly did happened or didn't happened based on your personal speculations and assumptions...I don't know if you really can't see through the simple logic that others can when they point it out to you...but constantly posting up highly flawed theories and claiming speculations to be facts when everyone keeps correcting you over and over again is annoying -- 18:43, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
    • You're right, maybe for the pedantic people like you I should have said "Given the fact Gwen wasn't dead, and the baby wasn't dead outside her womb, anyone can figure out they didn't explode." Is that better for you?
    • The only person who is continually "pointing out flaws" is you. No one else has ever complained. According to you "people" are tired of correcting me. No. You are tired of "correcting" me. So stop doing it. Why not edit some of the main pages. You've hardly touched any of the main articles, if any, and since you seem to think you are so knowledgeable about the rules, let me quote a line for you; "Blog and forum posts are not your primary contribution to this wiki"'. --The Thirteenth Doctor 19:34, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
    • I'm so sick and tired of this, after people correcting you countless times and you still don't get it. The statement you just said is just as speculative and unsupported as before and still attempt to classify it as a fact. How did you know Gwen/the baby wasn't dead? How did you know Gwen/the baby became Master(s)? All these ideas you came up with are just irrational, you are using two things you speculated to support that "anyone can figure out they didn't explode"...the whole thing is based on your personal assumption, and you keep forcing your assumptions onto others as facts...moreover, I am definitely not the only one correct you, you should look at your other threads...people just got tired of it because all your threads/posts are mostly illogical or extremely flawed...-- 05:06, August 11, 2010 (UTC)
    • You're right, you and one other IP. I'm pretty sure people are more sick of you "correcting" me. If you can't take any speculation I suggest you avoid the Howling, that's what it's for. I'm sick and tired of telling you that. But I'd like to hear your thoughts on your lack of main page edits. The Thirteenth Doctor 08:52, August 11, 2010 (UTC)
    • First of all, I have seen at least over 5 users correcting you in the last few threads...and your thread about the ambiguous "Time Theory" were almost exclusively filled with corrections made by other users...As for editing articles...simple...I am not a contributor, nor am I a user...many people on the Howling don't edit articles and the rule explicitly says "Like your user page blog and forum posts should not be your primary contribution to this wiki"...I just come here for references and I don't have time for main page edits...The rule explicitly says "should not" not "must not" and the decision is of whether it is appropriate is made "at the administrator's discretion". I hope you understand that despite you edited quite a few articles, that does not give you the right of an administrator. This is an online open community, you are certainly free to build your own database on your local harddrive and talk to yourself about whatever you want others to agree on...If you put forth a topic on a public forum and you keep criticizing others whenever they point out the obvious flaws and keep on listing speculations as fact as well as constantly accusing others and posting obvious non-sense, you really should stop...-- 10:24, August 11, 2010 (UTC)
    • Wow, just lay off each other's backs, make it The Thirteenth Doctor's problem let him fix it, i didnt create this forum for arguing about other posts DalekVictor554 10:32, August 11, 2010 (UTC)
  • God, just shut up 222. No one agrees with you. I'm sick of seeing your retarded trolling on every forum. Lu-igi board PS - before you say it, I didn't litrally mean every forum.
  • excuse me anonymous, but the thirteenth doctor's point is perfectly valid. in fact, i agree with it. don't go accusing others of perfectly valid points. anyway, i don't think people could blame the master race thing on mass halucination or whatever if there are a whole lot of dead women with exploded stomaches. i think it's more reasonable to believe that because the babies weren't proper humans yet, they didn't change. the women would just have turned into pregnant masters. i mean, if jack could be pregnant, why not the master who was formerly a pregnant female.