Howling:Has it ever occurred to anyone that the Daleks are actually doing not bad?

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I mean look at them, after countless attempts of exterminating their entire race, they are still here. An ancient and powerful race tried to wipe them out, and the result: Timelords (except Doctor) are gone, and we've seen at least 2 different groups of Daleks were actually alive after the Time War. Some of them are now in the Void, so they have literally spreaded. They're obviously doing very well, since they are reforming their race in their last 2 TV appearances, and in the game, they bloody restored Skaro. They can time travel on a massive scale, they can clone as many of themselves as they need and considering that they time travelled to the Humanitarian Era and hasn't lived to it yet, you can actually consider them a recent race that have just been formed and now spreaded through time... It seems the current Daleks are just underrated because of RTD and Moffat's poor writing but they are actually doing quite well...I mean people usually don't take over the entire Universe in their first attempt, but they have managed to beat the Timelords and removed their governance over time...that's pretty good -- 13:27, July 27, 2010 (UTC)