Howling:Kovarian and the Silence

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It says on Kovarian's page that she's associated with the Silence. I may have missed something, but do we actually know that for a fact? I don't remember the Silence being mentioned at all during a 'Good Man Goes to War'. I recall that Vastra said, "They'd almost certainly have taken her to Earth, raise her in the correct environment." Then the Doctor said "Yes, they did."

However, did Kovarian make any mention at all of working with the Silence? It's possible the Doctor just thought she was associated with the Silence. It's also possible she took River to Earth and the Silence developed an interest in her. Is there a line I've missed implying there is some association between the two of them? After all, while Kovarain allies herself with two other religious groups against the Doctor, she doesn't (seem to) employ the Silence against him. 05:22, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

Next time, put your comments below the two weird icons instead of above, or things don't show up right.
Anyway, I think there is off-camera confirmation of Kovarian working with the Silence in Moffat interviews. Maybe we should dig up one of them up and add a line in "Behind the Scenes" about that. But meanwhile, staying in-universe:
Madame Kovarian kidnapped Melody to send her to Earth to be raised in the correct environment. The Silence (who, like the Headless Monks and the Anglican Church that Kovarian is clearly working with, are a religious order) ended up raising Melody on Earth in the correct environment. The Doctor, who's been investigating both the Silence and Amy's kidnapping, has found Madame Kovarian and concluded that she's connected with the Silence.
Now, it's not impossible that the Doctor is wrong, but happened to end up with the right conclusion. Maybe the Silence kidnapped Melody from Kovarian after she'd kidnapped Melody from Amy, and raised her on Earth pretty much the same way Kovarian had intended to. But it's also not impossible that the last 48 years of Doctor Who is just a dream Ian's having in his science lab in 1963. If you've found hints about a holy war between different religious orders, or any kind of mystery in the Doctor's version of things that needs to be explained, then we'd have to consider all the possibilities. But otherwise, I think we're on safe ground. -- 06:24, September 21, 2011 (UTC)
From the ending of Closing Time, we know the Doctor's right; they are working together. What we still don't know is why they want the Doctor dead. -- 10:51, September 27, 2011 (UTC)