Howling:The finale connection

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i was just thinking, is there any connection between the signal being sent by stonehenge in the season finale of series 5 and the signal that river put out in the series 6 finale? they were both calls out into the universe arround the time that time was going wibbely and they both reached far into the universe and recieved responses from many people and played a major(-ish) part in their episodes. Imamadmad talk to me 19:32, October 11, 2011 (UTC)

They might be thematically connected, with the stonehenge signal calling all the Doctor's enemies while River's signal called all his friends, but there isn't any literal connection between the two. Time hadn't gone all wibbly yet when the stonehenge connection was sent out, and that signal was sent by the Alliance, while the signal in The Wedding of River Song was sent by River in an entirely different timeline(or reality or whatever you call it when all of time happens at once). River's signal didn't actually play a major, or even majorish, part of the episode, which I think was one of the episode's main problems. Back in The Pandorica Opens, a signal was sent out that called all of the Doctor's old enemies, and the audience gets to hear River read off a list of who's coming, while we see their starships fill the sky, with a huge crowd of all of them appearing at the end. In The Wedding of River Song, we just hear that what people thought were solar flares were people who didn't want the Doctor to die. That whole plot point would have worked much better if we got to see the vast armies of peoples throughout the universe who owed their very existance to the Doctor and refused to allow him to die, or if River had at least given a few examples of who was coming. I suppose that it's almost always Earth that the Doctor saves in the new series, but I'm sure that Moffat could have come up with a few examples if he wanted to.Icecreamdif talk to me 00:27, October 12, 2011 (UTC)

i guess i'm just trying to find a way to answer the questions from last series that were supposed to be answered in this on but weren't like the cracks and just made that connection to see if it answered anything. Imamadmad talk to me 07:14, October 12, 2011 (UTC)

Well, the cracks were explained by last season's TARDIS explosion, though the explosion itsself was never explained. This season seems to imply that the Silence blew it up in an attempt to kill the Doctor to prevent silence from falling, but its never been outright stated.Icecreamdif talk to me 18:41, October 12, 2011 (UTC)

It hasn't and, in the Series 5 finalé (which I've just watched again), the voice saying "Silence will fall," in the TARDIS scenes is neither the voice of Prisoner Zero nor the voice of one of the Series 6 Silence aliens -- and it doesn't sound like anyone else I can identify. -- 16:22, October 15, 2011 (UTC)

I always thought it sounded a bit like Davros, but bringing him in would just make this arc even more complicated and convoluted than it already is. It's possible that it was a Silence, and they just hadn't settled on a voice for them yet. Maybe we'll get some answers next year.Icecreamdif talk to me 19:00, October 15, 2011 (UTC)