Howling:Was Paul McGann the voice from the Ood distress call?

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After the Doctor "repaired" the Ood's voice sphere it broad cast a distress call from a Time Lord and at least to me it sounded like Paul McGann's voice. Did any one else notice this?

Thwhtguardian 01:46, May 16, 2011 (UTC)thwhtguardian

There's actually a bunch of overlapping voices. I assume you're talking about the loudest one, the one that says, "If you are receiving this message, please help me. Send a signal to the High Council of the Time Lords on Gallifrey. Tell them that I am still alive. I don't know where I am. I am in some ??? like planet."

I'm pretty sure they were all just random extras. Unfortunately, none of them are listed in the credits, or on the BBC site, IMDB, etc., so we can't know for sure, but I have multiple reasons:

  • McGann is in high demand as a voice actor; he would cost more than some random extra, and be much harder to schedule around. So unless they were planning to bring him back later in the season (which seems pretty unlikely), what would be the point of casting him for one throwaway line?
  • Wouldn't you expect that the by-far-loudest voice would be the most recent one, the Corsair, a "strapping big bloke"? Who would cast McGann in that part?
  • It sounds kind of like McGann for the first sentence, but not beyond that. Listen to that "still alive", in particular. -- 09:05, May 16, 2011 (UTC)

I'll be the first to admit that it may have been my imagination coloring reality, that I wanted to hear McGann so I did, and it seems more like that as I go on as my friend was convinced it was Christopher Eccleston. Anyway I found a clip on you tube so everyone can rewatch it and decide for themselves:

Thwhtguardian 14:44, May 16, 2011 (UTC)

No, he wasn't. One of the Dr Who news sites posted the voice actor. I'll see if I can dig it up again. 17:37, May 19, 2011 (UTC)