Howling:Where are the villains in the doctor-free timeline?

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In the timeline where the doctor is absorbed by the cracks and doesnt exist anymore, what happened to all the invasions on earth? Daleks, cybermen, sontarons.... wouldnt they invade earth without anyone stopping them? canari wharf, sontaran strategum, voyage of the damned and space titanic ect.... we saw in Turn Left how the disappearance of the doctor affected Earth, and it's only after the Runaway Bride events. But now that the doctor doesnt exist, this includes every single even from the start of DW in 1963.. I know some of the events were erased by the cracks, but it can't be ALL of the events! And yet we see the world is perfectly fine in Amy and Rory's wedding.. I understand the discussion about how the universe sort things out on its own (like when Rory got erased the doctor is still saved from the silurans, to name a few), but assuming that all the events involving the doctor are sorted out without him, well that's too much (fires of pompeii).. I think after 11 incarnations of the doctor saving the world for thousands of time and in so many ways, it's safe to say that if this timelord never existed, the world wouldnt be as peaceful as was shown.. This also raises another question.. The events absorbed by the cracks, did they still happen and everyone forgot about them or they never happened at all? 20:59, August 10, 2010 (UTC)

The one thing that seems to happen with the cracks is that, although people are erased, all their actions seem to stay put, and it is simply that people just forget them. For example, in Flesh and Stone, Amy says they still had to climb out, but the Angel which crashed it never existed. In Cold Blood, the Doctor is still alive after Rory, who saved him from a shot, was erased. And the Doctor himself, before he was erased, his words to Amy were etched into her mind so she would remember him. Basically, it seems as though, even though the Doctor was erased, his actions had still taken place. The Thirteenth Doctor 21:07, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
According to Steven Moffat, they wanted to reset the universe to a point where Earth has122.59.153.89 09:43, October 2, 2010 (UTC)n't been subject to large alien invasions in the 21st cetury because they want it to feel "real" again by having people suprsied at the existence of aliens in the series from now on. His explanation of it, whch he said wo't be detailed because oly the "hardcore" fans care is that history has been wibbled, and hence time has been changed. No alien invasions. I think people saw it coming when we learnt his arc involved rewritting time and references to two large invasions being gone due to the crack.
In my personal explanation of it, when the crack erased the large invasions (which means people will be suprsied at aliens again, as he and the producers wanted to Whoniverse to be), they're gone forever because, quite frankly, the only things that came back were the things that were remember by Amy. Note: Amy didn't remember the invasions, and hence they're gone. Delton Menace 12:47, August 11, 2010 (UTC)
The Doctor is a time traveler. He can go back and stop those invasions one by one, this time anticipating and nipping each one in the bud. I guess all the previous regenerations of the Doctor are gone? Dusty.crockett 05:55, August 19, 2010 (UTC)
He wouldn't stop those invasions no way as if he could change history like that then he could do anything. also Delton can you show me the source for moffat saying I am not saying I don't trust you but I would just like to see where he said that was it in confidential I missed alot of them when they were on this year, to be honest though I understand Moffat wanting to go back the way and hav people be ignorant of wierd things it dosen't matter to me I mean Martha knew about aliens before she met the doc and I don't think that made it anyless dynamic. Winehousefan, 21:32, August 10, 2010 [UTC]
Also, in the other Doctor-free timeline, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Smith, UNIT, and all of those guys saved the earth many times untill they all died without the Doctor to save them. But they DID save the earth a few times. Hope that helps.Codename: 09:43, October 2, 2010 (UTC)