Forum:Original discussion about standardizing the size of photos on story pages

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What do we think about the size and placement of photographs on the story pages? I would prefer to have small images (150 pixels wide) place alternately right and left throughout the text, ideally with one per episode (or maybe two if the text is particularly long). (See The Tenth Planet). I notice that the photographs that have been added to An Unearthly Child are quite big (300 pixels wide). Are these perhaps too big? I think we should decide on a consistent format that we use for all story pages. If we do decide to use a smaller size, I'd suggest that the caption shouldn't be longer than two lines. --Mantrid 06:40, 1 September 2006 (UTC)

Well, I think I'd prefer pictures around 200 pixels wide, with them only there if there's a need to illustrate a point (such as showing an important action, introducing important characters, Etc.) Of course, I don't generally update story pages, so I suspect that other people should have more say in this than me. Azes13 18:15, 1 September 2006 (UTC)