Forum:Why do I have to log in every visit?

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High I've just signed up and have a burning desire to contribute. But I'm new to wiki and wondered if anyone is able to offer me specific help on a couple of points that I cant find in the many help pages. I've started with a guide to the Doctor Who Magazines that Im trying to contribute, played in the sandbox and now find its headed sandbox rather than than linked to the Doctor Who Magazine stub. I dont want to get things wrong but am stuck, any ideas. I've also got cookies enabled but find my password needs to be reset everytime I log in.The Librarian 02:20, 20 July 2007 (UTC)

  1. Judging by the edit history it was you changed the sandbox to it's current state. Anyway, just edit it again, it's just for editing experiments if you're not sure about anything (or for playing around in if you're bored).
  2. When you log in, is the box "always remember me" (or something like that) ticked? If not, then you need to do so.
~ Ghelæ -talk-contribs 06:57, 20 July 2007 (UTC)

Thanks Ghelæ it was getting late, and I stressed for a bit sorry for any inconvienience. Hope I sorted it and I'll try the tick thing again (thought I had).Early days yet.The Librarian 10:53, 20 July 2007 (UTC)